LLIFS Resource Directory New Additions January 2025

13th January 2025. Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Paranormal Book Club. 707 page views. 0 comments.

Here are some of the newest additions to the LLIFS Resource Directory for January 2025. Books from Hans Holzer, D. Scott Rogo and Rosemary Ellen Guiley

If you are looking for reading or research material, head to the LLIFS Resource Directory. Here I have listed links to various websites, academic papers and public-domain books to help with your research.

There are some real gems in there which if you were to buy one of the books, could set you back $$$ but thanks to public domain, you can read online versions and even download the PDFs for no charge! There are works from J B Rhine through to Harry Price on there!  To access the LLIFS Resource Directory, click here

I have been busy at work and I have found some real gems in there to start off 2025!  In order to access some of the full texts via internet archive, you will need to create an account.  It is completely free and allows you to borrow books to read in full online legally via public domain.  All you need to provide is an email.  Some texts require this while others can be downloaded freely to your device without logging in.  Here are my picks for January that I can't wait to dig into!

Ghosts. True Encounters with the World Beyond by Hans Holzer (1997)

What is a ghost? How do you make contact with a ghost? How do you get rid of a ghost? Paranormal expert and storyteller extraordinaire Hans Holzer answers these questions as he explores more than 150 true ghostly manifestations throughout history.
In this groundbreaking book, featuring eye-opening photographs of ghostly apparitions and visitations, Holzer presents fascinating case histories, tips on interpreting sounds and other signals from the beyond, and more. Not only does Dr. Holzer introduce us to those who visit from the next dimension, he explains why they seek contact with our world and he offers expert advice on how to interpret sights, sounds, activities, visions, and other experiences that signal the presence of someone from the other side. Ghosts is a must-read for all would-be ghost hunters and fans of the otherworldly.
'I became obsessed by Hans Holzer, the greatest ghost hunter ever. That's when the the idea of my film Ghostbusters was born.'-Dan Aykroyd

It is safe to say that this book is absolutely iconic.  I have a copy I purchased second-hand (as it can be quite $$) and it is quite the read.  A lot of paranormal investigators refer to it as their paranormal bible.  Now there is a lot I don't agree with in the book, but it certainly gives a really interesting insight into the World of the paranormal.  In fact, a while ago I wrote an article where I looked at some of the theories presented in the book which you might like to look at.  In the words of: Hans Holzer

You can read this book for free via public domain with downloads also available via Internet Archive.


Parapsychology: A century of inquiry by D Scott Rogo (1975)

Are we more than our physical bodies? Do we survive bodily death? Does precognition, telepathy, distant healing, clairvoyance and ESP exist? How about near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, Peak in Darien experiences and Deathbed Visions?

I have a few of Rogo's physical books and I always find them quite insightful.  They are full of theories and a wealth of information and really for people that are looking toward other explanations than 'a ghost is a person who has passed'.  It looks at experiences in much more detail and looks at what we humans just might be capable of.  As the description says, this book looks at the weird and wonderful world of parapsychology, one of my favourite topics.  This is available to borrow through internet archive (you will have to sign in to read it in full).


Ghosts And Haunted Places By Rosemary Ellen Guiley (2008)

Ghosts are the single most common paranormal experience, fascinating and frightening to people of all ages. What makes some people linger on beyond the grave? Are ghosts real, are they imagined, or are they some weird aberration of time and space? ""Ghosts and Haunted Places"" will examine the history, folklore, science, technology, and personal experience of ghosts and hauntings, as well as the major themes in ghostlore. Featuring accounts of true cases and scenarios, this fascinating book explores the different types of ghosts and hauntings and their possible explanations, as well as the major figures and groups involved in ghost research throughout history. Special information is provided for readers who wish to conduct their own ghost hunts or haunting investigations.Chapters include: Dead People Who Don't Go Away, Where Do Ghosts Come From? Screaming Banshees and Death Omen Ghosts, Animal Ghosts and Phantimals, and Ghost Hunting with the Pros.

Rosemary is an iconic prolific author famous for her paranormal encyclopedias.  She wrote about almost every kind of paranormal phenomena you would think of.  Her research was thorough and informative.  She was also a fantastic writer and I have quite a number of her physical books.  This one is available to read or download via Internet Archive.


I hope you find these suggestions useful.  There are more NEW resources that have been added such as more books by Rogo, Guiley and Holzer as well as text by Raymond Buckland, Frank Podmore and J.B Rhine. 

In total there are currently links to 164 resources.  This is always growing and I am thrilled to know that people have been actively using this resource to assist with their own research, or even when they just want a book to read.  You can do paranormal research right from the comfort of your own home simply by reading and thinking.  We all start somewhere.

Until next time

Stay Spooky x

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