LLIFS Resource Directory New Additions July 2023

18th July 2023. Reading Time: 2 minutes General, Paranormal Book Club. 976 page views. 0 comments.

Here are the newest additions to the LLIFS Resource Directory for July 2023

If you are looking for reading or research material, head to the LLIFS Resource Directory. Here I have listed links to various websites, academic papers and public-domain books to help with your research.

There are some real gems in there which if you were to buy one of the books, could set you back $$$ but thanks to public domain, you can read online versions and even download the PDFs for no charge! There are works from J B Rhine through to Harry Price on there!  To access the LLIFS Resource Directory, click here

Here are the newest additions added in July 2023

The History of Spiritualism Volume II

The History of Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle, M.D., LL.D. is a collection of essays on spiritualism. It was first published in two volumes by Cassell & Co., Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, and George H. Doran Co. (New York) in june 1926.


Rethinking a Ghostly Episode in the Legacy Literature by Houran, James & Laythe, Brian & Little, Cindy & Houran, Damien.

The grounded theory of Haunted People Syndrome (HP-S) contends that spontaneous 'ghostly episodes' recurrently experienced by certain people are an interactionist phenomenon involving heightened somatic-sensory sensitivities which are stirred by disease states, contextualized with paranormal belief, and reinforced via perceptual contagion and threat-agency detection. A historical report of a poltergeist-like outbreak that was touted in a non-psi journal was used to test the applicability of this psychological model. Two independent and blinded raters used the Survey of Strange Events (SSE: Houran et al., 2019b) to map the anomalous phenomena in the case, as well as a Recognition Pattern Checklist to assess for contextual variables that the HP-S model links to the features and dynamics of sustained haunt-type anomalies. High inter-rater agreement on the raters' scores suggested that the available details of this case corresponded to (a) an occur-1 James Houran (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1725-582X) has a Master's in Clinical Psychology from the University of Illinois at Springfield (USA) and a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Adelaide (Australia). is an independent researcher and social science student currently based in Texas. His primary interests are in the iconography and symbolism found in traditional tattooing ceremonies and the application of ritual practices to art. He is also an Eagle Scout and actively involved with agriculture and permaculture. http://dx. rence with above-average 'haunt intensity' compared to published norms, and (b) 100% 'agreement' on the ostensible presence of all five proposed recognition patterns of HP-S. Furthermore, a review of this episode's general structure using an SSE based Decision-Tree process cautioned against a purely parapsychological interpretation of some or all the reported anomalies. This basic analysis serves as a practical primer for using the SSE tool and HP-S model to guide future investigations of ghostly episodes by professional parapsychologists and citizen scientists alike.

Houran, James & Laythe, Brian & Little, Cindy & Houran, Damien. (2023). Rethinking a Ghostly Episode in the Legacy Literature. 23. 77-102. 10.23793/zfa.2023.77. 


Researches into the Phenomena of Spiritualism Sir William Crookes (1874)

Spiritualism viewed by the light of modern science, and experimental investigations on psychic force


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