LLIFS: The best of 2024

11th December 2024. Reading Time: 3 minutes General. 214 page views. 0 comments.

As we wind down for the year, this week I'm going to share my favourite articles I have written this year in 2024! After almost 10 years of LLIFS, I always worry I'll run out of things to write about but it is the opposite. So many choices, and so many questions!

As we wind down for the year, this week I'm going to share my favourite articles I have written this year in 2024! After almost 10 years of LLIFS, I always worry I'll run out of things to write about but it is the opposite. So many choices, and so many questions! 

I have made it no secret that this year has been a tough one for me in the paranormal field.  I have often wondered if I still wanted to be involved and if there was still a space for my writing.  The way we absorb our information has changed immensely.  The paranormal field has changed.  I have changed.  I don't go out and investigate much anymore as I treasure the time at home with my now teenage boys.  You get a bit sick of the drama and politics and just want to focus on what you do.  You try to do it but sometimes you do get distracted by some of the BS.  The funny thing is that when I feel that way, I tend to retreat and write which reminds me that I do this for me.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely appreciate each and every one of you and your support, but I do this because I love the writing and the research.  You guys are the cherry on the top, the icing on the cake. 

So in all honesty, when I was scrolling through the year that was and re-reading the articles and research, it was really hard to pick favourites.  Everything I write about intrigues me in some way and I put my heart and soul into every word I write so every article is close to me and could be on my favourites list.  Anyway, I had to make a list so these are the ones I guess I am most proud of.  They steer away from a lot of the typical articles you might see circulating on blogs and I always try to offer something a little different.  I hope you have enjoyed 2024 with LLIFS and there is plenty more to come in 2025.  Thank you for your support and friendship and I can't wait to see what we uncover and explore together in 2025! 

What if there was proof?

What if there was undeniable scientific proof that the paranormal in some form existed? Would it be accepted? Would humans be ready to accept it?

Mutual Dreaming

There is a lot of talk about spirits visiting people during dreams, or dreaming of events that haven't yet happened. One phenomenon not often spoken about is that of mutual dreaming. Two people sharing the same dream.

The honour of the journey

We talk and even argue a lot about what and what isn't paranormal. In this fight we can often forget the importance at a personal level. Sometimes it is not about who is right or who is wrong, it is about the person.

A friendly messenger

When you walk through a door to a room of people, one of the most natural things we do is to greet each other. Do you greet a spirit if you are trying to communicate? What do you say/do? Here is what the LLIFS readers had to say!

Rebuilding the past

Is energy absorbed into a location or do we project its history back onto it?

Third man syndrome

Adventurers in life-or-death situations often report an unseen force guiding them to safety. Known as third man syndrome, whether spiritual or scientific, this phenomenon appears to have saved lives!

What the eyes can't see

With eyes on auroras, discussions soon turn to what we could see with our eyes compared to what was shown on a camera or mobile phone. It makes me wonder, just what is there that the eyes don't see?

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the ghostly fingerprints

In the basement below his infamous Psychic book shop, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle displayed his most prized paranormal possessions in what he called the Psychic museum. Some of his favourite pieces were what he described as spirit fingerprints and spirit hands.

Aphantasia and the paranormal

Aphantasia is a condition where a person is not capable of mentally visualising images. What does this mean for people with Aphantasia and how they perceive the paranormal? I have some questions!

Morphic Resonance

Is morphic resonance the reason we can receive messages from the other side? Is our brain a receiver? Is it biology or is it cosmic? Let's explore!

I (don't) want to believe

Are people so attached to an experience that they don't want to believe it is anything other than what they think it is?

Where do our beliefs lie? 2019 VS 2024

I compare the results from a survey about paranormal beliefs from 2019 to 2024

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