734 blog articles found.
While reality television portrays paranormal experiences to often be scary with encounters with demons and negative entities, the reality is quite different. Paranormal interaction doesn't have to be negative!
While it can be easy to just follow, don't lose yourself by jumping on the paranormal bandwagon. Think for yourself!
Is a drop in temperature a sign of something paranormal? Psychical Researchers would observe temperature drops when observing psychic mediumship demonstrations. We then fast forward to modern-day paranormal investigating and look at what natural explanations can cause us to feel these cold spots and the best way to measure them.
What did people do before social media when they felt they were the subject of a haunting?
Harry Price is one of the most well-known paranormal investigators in history. Long before paranormal reality television shows, Price made a name for himself for his investigations into psychical phenomena and exposing fraudulent psychic mediums. Let's take a look at some of his work through photographs.
Australians spell old prisons as Gaol. Modern prisons here in Australia are referred to now as Jail. Americans have always spelt it as Jail, now we do too, yet we spelt it as Gaol up until the 1990's. Here is the low down!
In 1926, Harry Houdini testified in front of congress in Washington to push through a proposed bill aimed at regulating the act of fortune-telling. While the bill never passed, the proceedings were described as an 'uproarious hearing' with plenty of revelations.
I challenge AI to discuss the benefits and downfalls of using AI for paranormal research, more specifically in data collection and analysis.
Here is my review of the AMAZING Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot Deck
Many cultures from different countries have different myths/folklore or spirits to fear or worship. This short series looks at the different ghosts from around the World! Today's ghost is the Pocong
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