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734 blog articles found.

2023 Paranormal Word Search & Crossword

3rd January 2023 Reading Time: 1 minutes General. 824 views. 0

Want some holiday fun? Here is a paranormal-themed Word Search and Crossword I have created. Can you complete them all?

Evolution of the blue book

2nd January 2023 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1449 views. 0

Researchers from 100 years ago speculated there was a network of mediums that collated and shared information in the 'Blue Book' to assist their readings. In the modern world, our digital imprint is much easier to find. What happens when you have AI and machine learning in the mix?

Is seeing believing?

1st January 2023 Reading Time: 7 minutes General. 1384 views. 0

Do you need proof of the paranormal to believe?

Predictions and hopes for the paranormal field in 2023

31st December 2022 Reading Time: 12 minutes General. 1377 views. 1

It is the end of an era! Whether you have been investigating for 30 years or this is your first year, you are probably starting to think about what to aim for next year. So in the 'spirit' of things, these are my predictions of what I think we will see in the field and my hopes for the paranormal field in 2023 on both a personal and general level.

Be authentically you

28th December 2022 Reading Time: 8 minutes General. 848 views. 0

I did say I had one more article I wanted to do before the end of 2022.  While there were some amazing suggestions from readers that I have indeed put into my running notes for future articles, there was a parting thought that I had been wanting to write about for some time now, but maybe have had some trouble articulating the point I wanted to get across.  With a year closing and another beginning, I thought it was the perfect time to take the leap and attempt to maybe motivate or even inspire.  So here goes.....


27th December 2022 Reading Time: 8 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 1494 views. 0

Let's take a look at the philosophy of spiritism and its connection to psychophony. Can a spirit use a person or device to speak on their behalf?

Paranormal Book Club: Spiritism

27th December 2022 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Book Club. 975 views. 0

Books you can read about the philosophy of Spiritism - what is even better is they are free via public domain!

Paranormal Book Club: My 2022 Christmas Wish List

7th December 2022 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Book Club. 988 views. 0

For this paranormal book club, I have compiled a Christmas wish list of the books I would love to see under the tree Christmas morning!

Houdini - Investigations Wise and Otherwise

2nd December 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Harry Houdini. 1408 views. 0

I have recently been re-reading A magician among spirits by Harry Houdini.  Chapter 12 of the book is titled Investigations Wise and Otherwise.  While the book was written in 1924, I couldn't help but apply the following to the current modern-day field of paranormal investigation.  I have often wondered what Houdini would think of paranormal investigation in the 21st Century and perhaps this is the closest we will get.

Christmas Tarot/Oracle Decks to get excited about

30th November 2022 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Tarot Review. 985 views. 0

In the theme of Christmas, here are some of the Christmas themed tarot/oracle decks that have caught my eye!