734 blog articles found.
Roughly 15% of the population are RH negative in blood type. Some people believe there is a connection between psychic ability, sleep paralysis alien abduction, and those who are RH negative. I look into the claims, where RH negative blood is rumoured to have come from and look at the data to see if there is a connection.
The popular TV series Stranger Things is based on a book - The Montauk Project - Experiments in time. The thing is, the writer of the book claims it all very much happened in real life and was not a case of fiction. Here is the story of the Montauk Project.
We talk about communicating in languages specific to a time or place to increase our chances of communication. What about using the universal language .... Math. Could this work in spirit communication?
Quite often things relating to the paranormal are spoken with such confidence they can be interpreted as fact. Remember nothing is 'proven' in the paranormal. Step back and ask the questions: Why am I doing things this way? What is it I am trying to achieve? How can I do better?
Joining the paranormal field can be overwhelming and it can be easy to just become passive and not represent what you believe in just to fit in. Be true to yourself and respect the beliefs of others.
One of the biggest problems that most will agree with is that when reviewing an EVP, it is very difficult to trust what you are hearing. The power of suggestion works even within the questions you are asking. So how can we ask questions without anticipating the answer during our EVP sessions? It is a technique that I call 'Envelope EVP'.
We have heard rumours in the past of spirit telephones that allowed you to communicate with those who have passed. It seems this is the works again and it is called the SoulPhone. Is it really possible? Dr Gary Schwartz seems to think it is. Let's look at the concept behind the SoulPhone
When people think of ITC (Instrumental TransCommunication), you generally think of things like ghost boxes, EVP and portal communications. What they have in common is that they all work with sound. There are some people in the paranormal field however, who swear by what they call ITC Water Experiments which like Video ITC is a visual form.
There is not one way to investigate. No one knows as fact that ghosts exists. Everything we know about the paranormal is based on opinion and theory. This is why it is important for you to develop your own opinion and your own style of investigating. Learn from your colleagues but let your voice be heard because we can learn from you too!
The internet has been divided this past week over a 4 second audio file which asked the question Yanny or Laurel? While confusing to a lot of people, it was smartly done using a mix of frequency and audio pareidolia. So how does it all work?
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