734 blog articles found.
When most people go out on their own to do a paranormal investigation, one of the first places they tend to go is a cemetery. The thing is, there usually isn't much going on and sometimes it is something that should be left alone.
We all meet people along the way on our paranormal journeys. We sometimes underestimate how important they are to us.
Do you have a piece of jewellery you wear or a special ritual you perform which is supposed to keep evil away? If you do, this is known as Apotropaic magic. So what is it all about?
When reviewing photos, we are always telling people to look at the EXIF data because it is a valuable tool for understanding the conditions in which a photo was taken. I explain what the EXIF Data is, how to access it and how to read it when reviewing photos'
Do you ever have someone contact you either wanting help, advice or maybe even a fellow investigator wanting your help and suddenly you see lots of red flags and something does not feel right? Your gut is telling you that something is up and you need to walk away. What are the common scenarios that you will most likely face that may make you feel like running for the hills?
The Banshee is part of Irish mythology thought to be a messenger from the other side. Here is a famous story from 1770 of a well respected Reverend who became ill with reports of a Banshee calling out for him a week before his death.
On Saturday 16th of December, I was lucky enough to attend a special screening of season 1 of Strange Curiosity from the Klinge Brothers, hosted by my friends at Australian Paranormal Society
Digital VS Film. Which is better for paranormal investigating? Is one more reliable than the other? I look at the pros and cons of both.
By recreating a familiar environment, can we increase our chances of communication? What is the Singapore Theory and what can you do during your investigations?
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