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734 blog articles found.

Why I won't watch paranormal movies

19th July 2015 Reading Time: 4 minutes General. 1483 views. 0

Besides being petrified of paranormal movies, I also won't watch them because they are a very fake representation of what a 'haunting' is really like!

Should you research before an investigation?

15th June 2015 Reading Time: 8 minutes Paranormal Investigation, General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 1907 views. 0

Some like to go in blind and some like to research before an investigation. Why is it important to research before an investigation?

This one time, at an investigation ...... I ran out

5th June 2015 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Paranormal Investigation, Paranormal Locations. 1555 views. 0

Most investigators have some kind of experience that shakes them to their core. This is mine and it scared me so much I had to leave the room.

First encounter with a paranormal celebrity

4th June 2015 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Paranormal Events. 2213 views. 0

Recap of my day and night with the famous Klinge Brothers from the hit show Ghost Lab