Superconscious and Intuition

1st January 2025. Reading Time: 11 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 287 page views. 0 comments.

Let's explore the depths of our minds and talk about the connection between our superconscious and intuition. How much weight can be put behind the phrase 'trust your gut'?

I have written many times about the possibilities when it comes to the depths of our minds.  It helps to form our belief systems and the way we react.  It also forms the basis of what we describe as 'intuition'.  A sense of just knowing.  A lot of people believe that our intuition is linked to another area of our brain that is not talked about as openly as others.  It is called the superconscious.


The superconscious is a state of heightened awareness.  It is a state of true wisdom that involves being guided or making decisions based on your intuition rather than emotion or reason.  The superconscious mind is said to rest above the subconscious and conscious states.  If you try to actively delve into your subconscious, you can only do so during sleep or hypnotherapy etc.  The superconscious however can be accessed without having to achieve a relaxed state.  It is said by many that reaching this state is the opposite and can be an energetic and peaceful state.   

It was French professor Professor Jules-Bois theorised that the superconscious was the exact opposite to the subconscious. He referred to it back in 1928 during a series of lectures as

“the exact opposite of Freud's subconscious mind and is the faculty which makes man really man and not just a super-animal”

He thought of it as a state of higher consciousness that is responsible for our inspiration, intellect, and moral values.  So if it is the exact opposite of the subconscious as defined by Freud, we need to understand what our subconscious is.

The human mind is said by some to be broken into 3 categories:

  • The conscious mind
  • The subconscious mind 
  • The unconscious mind

Sectioning the mind off is something that was first made mainstream by Sigmund Freud. It is disputed within psychology circles as it cannot be scientifically proven. It remains a theory and a popular one at that. The conscious mind of course is what we use in our day-to-day life and most importantly we are aware of it. The conscious mind is defined by using the word 'awareness'. We are aware of our thoughts. The conscious mind is however somewhat limited. Can you remember what you did last week? Can you remember what you did last year? Can you remember what did 10 years ago? Your conscious mind needs some help to access this information, so it looks to your subconscious for help. Your subconscious mind also has limited access to these memories. More often than not, they are short-term memories. It however can retrieve them from your unconscious memory which remembers all of these events with complete clarity. The unconscious mind stores your deepest memories.  It holds your beliefs, fears and your emotions. It uses your subconscious to communicate these to your conscious mind, which influences how you live your everyday life. Put simply:

  • Conscious – defines all thoughts and actions within our awareness.
    For example, the beauty and pleasance of the smell of a red tulip
  • Subconscious – defines all reactions and automatic actions we can become aware of if we think about them.
    For example, our ability to drive a car: once we have enough experience and have learnt how to drive, we stop thinking about which gears to use, which pedals to press, or which mirror to look at.  We can however, always become aware of what was done once we think about it.  I liken this to the many occasions where I am driving my car and suddenly I wonder how I got to where I was going.  My brain was in autopilot controlling the car, yet on a conscious level, I am daydreaming.
  • Unconscious – defines all past events and memories, inaccessible to us no matter how hard we try to remember.  For example, the first word we’ve learned to say, or how it felt to be able to walk on our own.

The job of your subconscious is to ensure that you react, think and live your life according to your belief system and the things that make you who you are! Your subconscious mind does not think for itself; it is merely the hub of accessing information. It obeys the instructions that your conscious mind tells it. It is your subconscious that makes you feel fear when it is confronted with something you know scares you. It is your subconscious mind that makes you feel happy when you are around something that it knows you like. It can also react when it experiences something unknown by making you feel anxious or uncomfortable. Your subconscious is almost like one big comfort zone. It all has to do with the information that is sitting in your unconscious mind which is where it draws this information. It is why we talk about unconscious bias and the effect it can have on paranormal investigating. You may not think you are being influenced, but your experiences from the past are subconsciously influencing you. You may think you are in control, but it controls how your body reacts. Your conscious mind has no say in how your subconscious reacts. There is work you can do such as hypnosis and generally changing your mindset, but it doesn't happen overnight. The older you are, the more memories and information you have stored in there means the harder it can be to change the way your subconscious thinks. Ever heard the phrase 'Set in their ways?'. That is just your subconscious at work.

Superconscious is reaching a state where you can essentially ignore these things and focus on what your intuition or your gut is telling you.  A lot of people believe that there is a link between this and what we call a 'collective consciousness'.  This is a unifying source of energy with knowledge and spiritual enlightenment that we will discuss in more detail a bit later on.  Here instead of using your subconscious, you are tapping into what is considered to be a type of divine knowledge. 

Some people believe that all forms of consciousness do not conform to the laws of space and time.  If our subconscious can access information from our unconscious mind and it is not bound by time, is that maybe how people get visions of the future? Where does the superconscious fit into this?  Are people with psychical abilities more aware or more in tune with their superconscious?  Many spiritual people will argue that anyone is capable of accessing certain abilities, so maybe the oversoul or the superconscious is the key here.  Embracing and acknowledging this could mean that we are more tuned in to our intuition.  It could then lead us down a path where we may potentially have a better understanding of how it is we can have supernatural experiences.  We also have to wonder; how much can you rely on a gut feeling in a field where we encourage critical thinking?


A gut feeling is a type of instinct or intuition that has no logical rational basis. When we feel emotion, it is a reaction to our brain processing information. Emotion gives us a feeling in relation to this information. Sad news makes us feel sad. A gut feeling is also a response to the brain processing information. Scientists claim through research that the brain not only processes information, but it predicts it. It is what is called a 'predictive processing framework.' The brain will compare incoming information and current experiences against information stored in your subconscious based on previous experiences and then predict what might happen next. This in some ways can also lead to irrational fear. If you are someone who has had past trauma, it would be no surprise for you to react with fear if you are confronted by signals that remind you of what happened. For example, if you had an accident in water, seeing water would trigger a response that makes you feel scared.  Your gut feeling would tell you to stay away from water.  

A gut feeling at times is also described as a form of intuition. It is just knowing what is going to happen. While some people believe they have a psychic gift that allows them to pick up on these things, Science indicates that everyone is capable of this type of intuition in some capacity. As we spoke about in an earlier chapter when referring to Claircognizance (clear knowing), these feelings, emotions and predictions are made from the brain processing information and comparing it to what is in your subconscious.  The brain has made its decision based on the situation, but you are not consciously aware of it yet. This is when the intuitive thinking process I mentioned earlier comes in.

When we talk about paranormal investigating, people will often tell you to ‘trust your gut’.  It seems to work well for us in life, so it makes sense that the same would apply when investigating the paranormal.  The problem is that this approach is often critically judged because of the lack of evidence and basing a paranormal experience or just a feeling.  So should we trust our gut or intuition when it comes to investigating the paranormal?

Trusting your gut

The above shows us that there seems to be some merit behind trusting your gut. Now we know that it works based on how much a person has experience in a certain area. This is where education becomes really important when it comes to the paranormal. If you are well educated about certain things and even if you are a person who thinks critically and rationally, your experience will tell you unconsciously if there is something irregular happening based on things you have experienced before. An example I will use is Black Rock House. I go into that house several times every month. Most times I walk around in the dark quite comfortably. There have been some very odd occasions where I have opened the door and felt scared. Things just didn't feel right. I couldn't figure out why because it is something I do all the time. Why suddenly was I losing my nerve? Could it be that my brain was looking at the situation and something was different? From all the times I have been in the house before, maybe my brain noticed something a little different. Something wasn't adding up, so it told me to be on guard. It could be a change in the weather through to a smell that triggers this response.  The same can happen when you meet someone.

You know how sometimes you meet someone, and they seem nice but for some reason, your gut is telling you there is something not right here, but you can't figure it out? It is quite likely that your brain has noticed some characteristics that have raised alarm bells based on your dealings with similar people in the past. This is why when you get these gut feelings about people, you are usually right.

It seems there really is something to listening to your gut. While you can't use this as proof of paranormal, you can apply it to certain areas when it comes to investigating the paranormal. You can even use it as a reference system just by understanding how it works. It is your brain telling you that something is different than it has been before. It is up to you to determine what that difference is. At the end of the day, you know yourself, you know your body and you know how you react to certain situations. I think using your gut along with a bit of rational thinking can serve you well when it comes to investigating the paranormal. Not everything is paranormal, and it may take the rational side of the brain to realise that. Sometimes things happen that we can't explain and usually, your gut knows why. It is seeing something different that we are not conscious of. I have spoken so many times about our subconscious and its potential power. We don't even know what information is stored in there and what it is capable of. We know that in some ways it can act as a warning system. I definitely feel it is worth listening to from time to time.

States of mind are often debated because they cannot be proven on a scientific level.  Maybe it is one of those things that is not meant to be.  Much like the paranormal for example, I doubt we will ever Scientifically prove that it is out there, however many of us just know that it is.  We trust our gut.

It was Carl Jung who believed that our superconscious could not just simply exist on its own.  It needs to work with our unconscious mind to operate properly.  To properly understand our intuition, we first would need to understand the intricacies of the human mind itself.  While a person can argue that it is our mind leading us to believe something is supernatural in origin, it also could be the key component to receiving these supernatural messages and experiences.  Our brain really could be the key that sets us free – one way or another!

“No matter how far that “super-consciousness” reaches, I’m unable to imagine a condition where it would be completely all-embracing, i.e., where there would not be something unconscious left over. To assume something which is beyond human grasp is a prerogative of faith.  It belongs to metaphysics and not to science, as it is beyond proof and experience.”

Carl Jung letter
To W. Y. Evans-Wentz 9 February 1939
C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950


C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950

'Human personality and its survival of of bodily death'

Cover Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano :

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