The Akashic Records and our soul

8th August 2020. Reading Time: 6 minutes Paranormal Theories, General. 2920 page views. 4 comments.

The spiritual community often talk about things like the Akashic Records and a life review for our soul after we die. What is our soul? Do we learn lessons in each lifetime? What are the Akashic Records? I explore these concepts further.

In the Supernatural Synchronicity series I wrote with fellow blogger Ashley Knibb, we explored different explanations and theories as to what paranormal phenomena were and where it could potentially come from. While we explored a lot of different theories and asked a lot of questions, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of the information out there from the mainstream paranormal community stems from the belief that a ghost or spirit is the consciousness or even a soul of a person who was once living. In essence, when we die, they believe our consciousness or our soul lives on. While I spend a lot of my time theorizing on alternate explanations here, I also wanted to explore this one more closely. If we do live on in different ways after we die, what actually happens to us? This is the question we as paranormal researchers often seek, however, there are a lot of people within the spiritual community that talk about this matter with a sense of confidence. They feel they have a direct line so to speak with certain abilities or gifts. They claim to know what happens to us and more importantly why it happens. You see there is a lesson within it all. While we talk about life lessons, in the spiritual world, they believe there are several life lessons to learn.

What are the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are said by theologians to be the energetic records of all souls containing information about their past lives, their present lives, and all possible future lives. It is like a library of books, where each book represents each lifetime of a particular soul. These records are stored in what is considered to be the 5th dimension. We live in a 3-dimensional world. The 4th dimension is time, which we cannot see. Some consider it to be the bridge between our physical world and the spiritual world. The 5th dimension is thought to be the first major spiritual dimension where a person reaches a higher form of consciousness. It is in this 5th dimension that a person can supposedly access these records. In order to do so, they have to pass through this 4th dimension which is made up of time. It is referred to by some as the astral plane.

What is the soul?

In Ancient Egypt, they believed the soul was made up of several elements that were created as an eternal force that lived inside every living being. In order for all the different parts of the soul to function, they believed a body needed to be intact which is why mummification was such an essential part of their burials.

  • The Khat was referred to as our physical body which when it becomes a corpse. is our connection between the soul to our earthly life.
  • The Ka is our astral self and is what most people in today's society consider to be the soul
  • The Ba is our means of travelling between the Earths and the Heavens once passed by way of a human-headed bird. There is a Ba linked to each physical body. It could travel to the heavens but also return to Earth to visit loved ones.
  • The Shuyet is the shadow of the soul and represents comfort and protection
  • The Akh is your immortal higher self created from the magical union of the Ka and the Ba and is considered an enlightened spirit. The Akh could return to Earth to haunt the living if they have done something bad or appear in the dreams of loved ones who needed help or guidance
  • The Sahu was the part of the Akh which was capable of appearing in the dreams of loved ones
  • The Sechem represents the power to control a person's surroundings and outcomes
  • The Ab is the heart and represents good and evil and is what defines a person's character.
  • The Ren is a person's secret name that was given to them by the Gods and is only known by the gods
Source: Ancient History Encyclopedia

Greek Philosopher Plato's views on the human soul were that our very existence on Earth was a mere shadow of some kind of higher existence. Our body was just a vessel and if anything was in some ways restricting the full capabilities of our soul from reaching a higher plain or a higher form of consciousness - something which I hear a lot of today through spiritual circles. He believed that a soul goes from human to human which is what would explain for some the idea of past lives.

Either death is a state of nothingness and utter consciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. Now if death be of such a nature, I say that to die is to gain; for eternity is then only a single night.


Another Greek Philosopher Socrates who was a supposed teacher of Plato, believed that a person's soul was immortal. Death was not the end of a person's existence but marks the separation of the soul from the physical body.

“Give me beauty in the inward soul; may the outward and the inward man be at one.”


Catholic theologian Saint Augustine believed that the soul was also immortal and that the body and the soul is what makes up a human. He didn't necessarily believe that a soul transferred from physical body to physical body.

when speaking of God, no one should think of him as something corporeal; nor yet of the soul, for of all things the soul is nearest to God.


Life Review

It is said by a lot of people in the spiritual community that once we die, we shed our physical bodies. They also believe that we shed a lot of our 'human' traits like negativity and pain. Apparently, this can take a few days as you are in the process of taking on everything that you learned in your lifetime and integrating all of your life experiences into your soul. All the crap basically sheds away and you are left with wisdom and knowledge from the lesson that was your life. You also have what is called a 'Life Review' where you basically watch a movie of your life. It helps you to see the lessons you learned. This of course is also already stored in your Akashic records. It is thought by some that our soul lives through many human lifetimes. Each lifetime we are said to learn different lessons. This is why some people talk about things they did in past lives for example.

There are people that specialize in Akashic Record reading so it is not something that you have to wait to die for. Some people who claim they can do astral projection say they can access these records (as remember above they exist in the same dimension). Others simply use their intuition. It is almost like a form of psychic mediumship in a way. Apparently, you have to go in with the right intent or you come out with incorrect information. Ultimately though, the Akashic Records are a form of spiritual self-reflection. You can look at the mistakes or lessons you have learned in the past present and supposedly the future and apply this wisdom to how you are living your life. Whether you believe in these records or not, it is not necessarily a bad thing to learn from your mistakes, something we can definitely apply to the way we investigate the paranormal.

Of course, the majority of the above are belief-based statements. They aren't necessarily my beliefs, but a very large proportion of the paranormal community believes this so it is worth exploring these concepts. What do you think? Do you believe our soul lives on? Do we live through more than one human lifetime? Do we have a life review? What would your life review look like?

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  • Dave 4 years ago

    I've had dreams about reading people obituary's in the news paper or on the internet and find out months or even years later that they are still alive.

  • Darin 5 years ago

    Astonishingly individual friendly website. Immense details readily available on few clicks on.

  • Joseph Kapusta 5 years ago

    IMO consciousness is a dynamic in the cosmos yet possessing dual metamorphises, if you will, before and after our physical awareness, transcending space and time. It is at first hindered by the development of our brains until sufficient physical reality experiences are encountered that enable mature cognitive reasoning and awareness, governed by attention and intention. Like a moth changing into a butterfly, it evolves upon physical death, no longer constrained by temporal limits and existing in an unknown and incomprehensible environment beyond the Planck scale. This is my attempt at a description of the "soul." It's beginnings are derived from archetypal patterns which in themselves are what is called "the image of God" and from that image our souls come into existence. God is too perfect for us to be directly copied into being. We are more than the sums of our atoms. Although at present it is not possible to understand what lies beyond our physical death, we have to assume the First Law of Thermodynamics isn't compromised even upon physical death but rather our energy is continued in another dimensional or hyperdimensional existence that is separate from yet exists together within our own dimensional reality, one in which we as paranormal researchers and investigators attempt to established a communicative link with. All such efforts having been frustrated to this point in our linear time frame, perhaps the only way to get a library card to the Akashic Records will always be to become a benefactor by our own contribution of works.

  • Michael J Schumann 6 years ago

    I believe more along the lines of Socrates, Plato and Augustine, though like Augustine I see no definitive proof or consensus view that supports reincarnation despite the occasional person who seems able to access information about a recent previous life that died under difficult circumstances. Maybe God or the previous life's soul is allowed to come back on rare occasions to conclude unfinished business or to right a wrong committed. Also maybe someone who thinks they're reincarnated is able to access another person's Akashic record to impart certain information among the living.

    I thought the Akashic record was the sum of all knowledge, creative talent, wisdom, scientific principles that govern the Universe, etc., etc., and is what allows gifted people like Mozart or Bethoven to write their symphonies, Lennon and McCartney to create the greatest Pop songs in history, Einstein to discover E=mc2, or the Gothic Architects to design the great European Cathedrals? It's apparently not something I can tap into despite a burning desire to know and understand the mysteries of the Universe. If there's a way of finding out how to access these Akashic records I would certainly like to know, instead of passing on into obscurity... Lol!

    Pray tell... ????????????

    P.S. Before I die I plan on submitting my application to God to be a caretaker or Akashic records Librarian! ????