Websites |
This book is the first to scientifically explore the phenomenon of telepathic dreaming in depth. It recounts how psychiatrist Montague Ullman and psychologist Stanley Krippner conducted experiments to determine whether persons acting as senders can transfer their thoughts to the minds of sleeping receivers, thereby altering their dreams. Their results were astonishing: the researchers were able to verify several instances of telepathic communication between participants. Participants often gave uncannily accurate descriptions of images that the senders attempted to project to them - apparently confirming the reality of extrasensory perception during the dream state.
In fascinating detail, the authors explain the intriguing process and results of their 10-year study, researching and experimenting with the human ability to communicate across the barriers of time, space, and sleep. They also review the history of previous research in this area, describe their own controlled experimental procedures, document their subjects' reactions, provide transcripts of several dream sessions, and critically engage with scientific reviewers. All this is done in straightforward language, making the book accessible to both general readers and serious scholars. Rarely has a scientific work been so readable, engaging, and entertaining.
This new 50th Anniversary Edition features a never-before-published article by Montague Ullman on interpreting dreams in light of theoretical physicist David Bohm's concept of an implicate order; and a new afterword by Stanley Krippner, highlighting recent developments in dream telepathy research. Books Parapsychology Theories Research |
This is a complete copy of the book, originally published by ASSAP in 1993. It has NOT been updated since, so it will inevitably be out of date. It is provided because there is so little information available on this subject. Books Psychic Research |
Are we more than our physical bodies? Do we survive bodily death? Does precognition, telepathy, distant healing, clairvoyance and ESP exist? How about near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, Peak in Darien experiences and Deathbed Visions? Books Theories D Scott Rogo Parapsychology |
Books D Scott Rogo UFO |
"Is there life after death? For the living, this is the greatest unsolved mystery, but one for which we shall all know the answer one day. However, there are many people who have had close calls with death and who believe they have been given a glimpse of the future, of an existence which awaits us after we die. They find themselves floating outside their bodies, and often transported to a heavenly world before returning to earth. Do these near-death experiences prove that the soul survives after death, or are they simply vivid hallucinations? The Return from Silence is an up-to-date examination of what medicine, psychology and science are learning from the near-death experience, or NDE. Rather than assuming that such experiences prove life after death, the author critically examines the important issues concerning the phenomenon, such as who has the experiences, how it affects them, and whether their culture affects the manner of their experience. Furthermoe, can the experience be induced by situations other than near-death? This book represents the first time all the strands of NDE study have been collected together to see what overall trends are emerging in the field. Bestselling author D. Scott Rogo looks at the evidence for near-death experiences throughout history, and examines critically a wealth of contemporary first-hand accounts. He also reveals how some people have horrible nightmarish NDEs while clinically dead, and not just more common feelings of rapturous joy. The Return from Silence offers the reader a survey and evaluation of all aspects of the near-death experience, the study of which can be both intellectually and spiritualy rewarding, for exploring the experience of death is an exercise in living, not dying."--back cover. Books Consciousness Near Death Experiences D Scott Rogo |
Outside one's body and experience things impossible in the physical world. ""Dreams and Astral Travel"" explores the mysteries surrounding dreams and looks at experiences that suggest that dreams are far more than the result of mere imagination and subconscious thoughts of individuals. Included in this fascinating volume are practical tips on how young readers can better understand their own dreams and put dreams to work for them. The chapters include: The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams; Science Ventures into Dreamland; Night Flying; The Astral World; The Psychic Side of Dreams; and, Dreams That Heal. Books Consciousness Rosemary Ellen Guiley |
Ghosts are the single most common paranormal experience, fascinating and frightening to people of all ages. What makes some people linger on beyond the grave? Are ghosts real, are they imagined, or are they some weird aberration of time and space? ""Ghosts and Haunted Places"" will examine the history, folklore, science, technology, and personal experience of ghosts and hauntings, as well as the major themes in ghostlore. Featuring accounts of true cases and scenarios, this fascinating book explores the different types of ghosts and hauntings and their possible explanations, as well as the major figures and groups involved in ghost research throughout history. Special information is provided for readers who wish to conduct their own ghost hunts or haunting investigations.Chapters include: Dead People Who Don't Go Away, Where Do Ghosts Come From? Screaming Banshees and Death Omen Ghosts, Animal Ghosts and Phantimals, and Ghost Hunting with the Pros. Books Ghosts Rosemary Ellen Guiley |
Book digitized by Google and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
I. Introduction. book I. The pedigree of spiritualism. book II. Early American spiritualism.--II. book III. Spiritualism in England. book IV. Problems of mediumship. Summary and conclusion Frank Podmore Books Spiritualism |
The fascinating history of Spiritualism is coaxed into the material realm as the object of this perceptive and sweeping overview by that legendary author of the occult and supernatural, Raymond Buckland. Containing more than 500 entries and 100 illustrations, The Spirit Book is the comprehensive encyclopedia to Spiritualism and its related subjects. Plus it provides full biographies of every prominent person connected to the field.
Drawing on decades of research, writing, and transcendence, Buckland describes sundry methods of channeling, events associated with Spiritualism, including séances and exorcism, organizations focused on clairvoyance, and a colorful host of mortals―famous and infamous―who delved into Spiritualism. Nostradamus, Helena Blavatsky, and Edgar Cayce receive their due, as well as Joan of Arc, William Blake, Susan B. Anthony, Winston Churchill, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mahatma Gandhi, Harry Houdini, and Mae West (look up and see her sometime). It explores Qabbalah, Sibyls, Fairies, Poltergeists; phenomena such as intuition and karma; objects useful in the attempt to cross the divide, including tarot cards, flower reading, and runes; and related practices such as Shamanism, transfiguration, meditation, and mesmerism. Books Spiritualism Ghosts |
Books Hans Holzer Consciousness |
Hans Holzer Ghosts Books |
Fifty years before The Conjuring, Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters, InsidiousandMost Haunted, there was Hans Holzer--a man known as the "Father of the Paranormal." Holzer pioneered ghost-hunting methods still used today, and brought ghosts and ghost hunting into popular culture in the second half of the twentieth century.
Ghost Hunter presented some of the first-ever case studies of haunting investigations, taken from Holzer's own practice in the New York City area--ranging from Civil War-era spirits to the tormented ghosts of murder victims.
For devoted ghost-hunting aficionados curious about the practice's history, there is no better place to start than the first book Hans Holzer wrote, Ghost Hunter. This is the classic 1963 book that launched his publishing career and gained him international fame.
The prestige edition of the classic, trail-blazing work on ghost hunting will intrigue new fans and longtime devotees alike--part of the new Tarcher Supernatural Library. The first three titles released in Tarcher's Supernatural Library are Ghost Hunter (by Hans Holzer), Romance of Sorcery (by Sax Rohmer) and Isis in America (by Henry Steel Olcott). Books Hans Holzer Ghosts |
Books PSI ESP |
Books Parapsychology |
"A compendium of information on the occult sciences, magic, demonology, superstitions, spiritism, mysticism, metaphysics, psychical science, and parapsychology."
Includes bibliographical references and indexes Books Parapsychology |
Most of the papers originally presented at the meetings sponsored by the Institute for Parapsychology, 1966-67, and published in the Journal of parapsychology J B Rhine Parapsychology |
The only practical travel guide on the subject ever published, this book provides useful and current information on haunted places--complete with addresses, instructions for finding sites, historical background on the place and region, what to look for when you get there, and what to expect once you've had an encounter. Books Hans Holzer Ghosts |
A definitive enquiry into ghostly manifestations and evidence of "the other side", in which the world's leading authority on the subject presents hundreds of case histories, tips on interpreting sounds and other signals from the world beyond, and more...The book is broad-ranging in it's scope, taking you to places around the world - to houses, ships, aeroplanes, forests, castles and even cars - haunted by those who have not been able to make the transition from their physical state to the world of the spirit. Books Ghosts Hans Holzer |
Methods and models for education in parapsychology Parapsychology Psychical Research D Scott Rogo |
Dedicated to the memory of Professor William McDougall, 1871-1938, in the centenary year of his birth
Contains papers and addresses presented at the review meetings of the Institute for Parapsychology during 1968-69 Parapsychology J B Rhine |
For over seventy-five years, the prophecies and readings of Edgar Cayce-- The Sleeping Prophet-- have inspired millions of people around the world, and been the subject of hundreds of books. Over fifty years after his death, Cayce is still regarded as the father of the new age movement, and the foremost psychic of the twentieth century. His thoughts on the soul's journey, past lives, dreams, ancient civilizations, and astrology are still closely studied and followed by practitioners in these fields. But until now, only those who knew and studied him have been able to tell Cayce's story and philosophy. From Jess Stearn'sThe Sleeping Prophetto Thomas Sugrue'sThere Is a River, many bestselling books have sold millions of copies and touched many lives.
Now, for the first time, Edgar Cayce tells his story in his own words. Only recently discovered, this new memoir delivers Cayce's important message to the world at a most crucial time, the dawn of the twenty-first century. In this personal, moving story, readers learn how Cayce felt about his amazing powers. Here Cayce speaks about the angelic presence that visited his childhood Kentucky home and told him that he would become a healer to millions. We also learn about his extraordinary childhood ability to learn his school lessons simply by sleeping on his books. Cayce also addresses the devastating throat paralysis that he miraculously overcame, and how he ultimately realized that his powers could only be used to help and enable people, and not for personal profit. Cayce even gives a "behind the scenes" glimpse at his many psychic readings.
The combination of ability and humility, compassion and caring turned Cayce from social outcast to world-renowned psychic healer. Throughout his life, Edgar Cayce's was the voice people turned to for advice on issues as diverse as health and healing and philosophy and world issues. Now, Cayce speaks once more on these issues and delivers his ultimate message to humanity for the first time.My Life as a Seerbrings to life the emotional frustrations, motivations, fears, and visions of the century's premier spiritualist as assembled from his works by editor A. Robert Smith ESP Religion Reincarnation Psychic Spiritualism Divination |
Summaries of Cayce's dictated readings, written by Mary Ellen Carter ... [et al.]
Complete and unabridged texts of the original editions published 1967-1989, reset for this volume
Edgar Cayce on prophecy -- Edgar Cayce on religion and psychic experience -- Edgar Cayce on mysteries of the mind -- Edgar Cayce on reincarnation Divination Spiritualism Reincarnation Religion Psychic |
A pioneering anthropologist and folklorist, Andrew Lang was the first to compile a serious, critical survey of ghost stories. This volume presents scores of well-attested tales from civilizations around the world about visitations from spirits. Books Ghosts |
The grounded theory of Haunted People Syndrome (HP-S) contends that spontaneous 'ghostly episodes' recurrently experienced by certain people are an interactionist phenomenon involving heightened somatic-sensory sensitivities which are stirred by disease states, contextual-ized with paranormal belief, and reinforced via perceptual contagion and threat-agency detection. A historical report of a poltergeist-like outbreak that was touted in a non-psi journal was used to test the applicability of this psychological model. Two independent and blinded raters used the Survey of Strange Events (SSE: Houran et al., 2019b) to map the anomalous phenomena in the case, as well as a Recognition Pattern Checklist to assess for contextual variables that the HP-S model links to the features and dynamics of sustained haunt-type anomalies. High inter-rater agreement on the raters' scores suggested that the available details of this case corresponded to (a) an occur-1 James Houran ( has a Master's in Clinical Psychology from the University of Illinois at Springfield (USA) and a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Adelaide (Australia). is an independent researcher and social science student currently based in Texas. His primary interests are in the iconography and symbolism found in traditional tattooing ceremonies and the application of ritual practices to art. He is also an Eagle Scout and actively involved with agriculture and permaculture. http://dx. rence with above-average 'haunt intensity' compared to published norms, and (b) 100% 'agree-ment' on the ostensible presence of all five proposed recognition patterns of HP-S. Furthermore, a review of this episode's general structure using an SSE based Decision-Tree process cautioned against a purely parapsychological interpretation of some or all the reported anomalies. This basic analysis serves as a practical primer for using the SSE tool and HP-S model to guide future investigations of ghostly episodes by professional parapsychologists and citizen scientists alike.
Houran, James & Laythe, Brian & Little, Cindy & Houran, Damien. (2023). Rethinking a Ghostly Episode in the Legacy Literature. 23. 77-102. 10.23793/zfa.2023.77. Studies Theories Ghosts Research |
The History of Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle, M.D., LL.D. is a collection of essays on spiritualism. It was first published in two volumes by Cassell & Co., Ltd., London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne, and George H. Doran Co. (New York) in june 1926. Books Spiritualism Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Spiritualism viewed by the light of modern science, and experimental investigations on psychic force Psychical Research Books |
I offer a new classification system for organizing, understanding, and validating the inhuman demonic encounter by organizing it through the senses the experience is activating. A demonic or inhuman spirit, which can be used interchangeably, is a spirit in that they exist without bodies, possess abilities greater than that of humans (rendering them inhuman), are hyperintelligent, react negatively to Christian religious iconography, and are malevolent in their behavior towards humans. Research Studies Occult |
Frank Podmore Books ESP Ghosts Psychical Research |
Practical Spiritism
DURING AND AFTER DEATH. Books Psychical Research Spiritualism |
Books Psychical Research Spiritualism |
The Spirits' Book, published in French in 1857, is considered the most important book in the Spiritist philosophy. It contains the bases for that philosophy and all important points in its doctrine: the belief in God, reincarnation and the survival of the soul after death, the fact that it is through reincarnation that the soul learns and moves closer to perfection. The work is the first of a five book canon, and it is organized in the form of questions and answers, with commentary by the codifier, Allan Kardec, a pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail. (Summary by Leni) Books Psychical Research |
The Mediums' Book is the logical continuation of Allan Kardec's first volume, The Spirits' Book. If the latter establishes the theoretical foundations of the doctrine, The Mediums' Book deals with its practical aspects. Throughout this book, the author draws a link between the theoretical and experimental aspects of mediumistic faculties, and invites us to follow this practice in detail with highly qualified beings.
The Mediums' Book, which deals with natural and supernatural faculties, comprises two parts. In the first part, Allan Kardec reviews the Preliminary Notions of the Spirit World, deals with the existence of Spirits, the Supernatural and the Marvelous, the method of proceeding with the Materialists and the Skeptics, as well as the Systems.
The second part deals with Spiritual Manifestations and constitutes the analysis and the experimentality of the Spiritist Method of Knowledge and Communication whose foundation lies in the Mediumship Faculty of the Human Being.
The Mediums' Book contains the Special Teaching of Spirits on the Theory of all kinds of Manifestations, Means of Communicating with the Invisible World, Development of Mediumship, Difficulties and Pitfalls that can be encountered in the Practice of Spiritism. Books Psychical Research Spiritualism |
Nancy L. Zingrone
An Editorial Reflection on Women in Parapsychology from the Perspectives of St. Louis, Montreal, and Dublin, and the Pages of this Journal (226 –240)
Eine editorische Reflexion über Frauen in der Parapsychologie aus den Perspektiven von St. Louis, Montreal und Dublin und den Seiten dieser Zeitschrift (241 –253)
Cedar S. Leverett
Between Two Worlds – Unmasking Commonly Shared Female Experiences of Women in Parapsychology (254 –263)
Zwischen zwei Welten – Aufdeckung allgemein geteilter weiblicher Erfahrungen von Frauen in der Parapsychologie (264 –273)
Gerhard Mayer
Delayed Start of a Project (274 –276)
Verzögerter Start eines Projekts (277 –279)
PDF Parapsychology PSI Research |
This study investigated relationships between thin mental boundary functioning, creativity, imaginary companions (ICs), and anomalous ‘(entity) encounter experiences.’ A convenience sample of 389 respondents completed the Revised Transliminality Scale, Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences, Creative Experiences Questionnaire, Survey of Strange Events, and a measure of Childhood Imaginary Companions. Competing testing with path analysis found that the best-fitting model was consistent with the causal chain of ‘Thin Boundaries (transliminality and schizotypy) → Creative Experiences → ICs → (Entity) Encounter Experiences.’ These results suggest that deep-types of ICs (i.e., showing apparent independent agency) are perhaps most accurately characterized as syncretic cognitions versus hallucination-like experiences. The authors examine these findings relative to study limitations, as well as discussing the need for future research that approaches ICs as a special mental state that can facilitate allied altered-anomalous experiences. In this context, this study furthered understanding of relationships between conscious states related to mental boundaries, childhood imaginary companions, creative experiences, and entity encounters. Ghosts Studies |
Spiritualism and Science: Reflections on the First Decade of the Spirit Rappings
R. Laurence Moore
American Quarterly
Vol. 24, No. 4 (Oct., 1972), pp. 474-500 (27 pages)
Published By: The Johns Hopkins University Press Spiritualism Research |
Be scrutinised with the greatest care. The present great increase Of interest in psychic phenomena will probably result in the pro duction Of spurious physical phenomena by the less honest mediums, and it is with this thought that we have decided to reprint the Revelations of a Spirit Medium. The inquirer will find much food for thought in the ingenious devices and methods herein exposed, and the magician cannot fail to profit by a careful perusal Of its pages. The literary quality Of the work is certainly not Of a high order, but we have preferred to reprint it as a whole, thereby retaining the somewhat quaint ?avour of the original work. Books Harry Price Spiritualism Psychical Research |
Saducismus triumphatus is a book on witchcraft by Joseph Glanvill, published posthumously in England in 1681. Books Occult Ghosts |
An investigation into many hauntings and ghost stories with a skeptic's eye. Books Ghosts |
A report on the relation between personality and extrasensory perception, based on data gathered by a psychologist and statistical analysis by a physicist. Books Parapsychology ESP |
The will to believe -- Is life worth living? -- The sentiment of rationality -- Reflex action and theism -- The dilemma of determinism -- The moral philosopher and the moral life -- Great men and their environment -- The importance of individuals -- On some Hegelisms -- What psychical research has accomplished. Books Spiritualism Psychical Research |
As far back as we have written records, there have been accounts of the unusual phenomena occurring in connection with dreams. The ancients typically believed that dreams were divinely inspired experiences providing counsel and instruction for their waking lives. In the oldest dream book extant, the Egyptian papyrus of Deral-Madineh dating back to 2000 B.C., there arc examples of divine revelation. The Egyptians practiced dream incubation, i.e., sleeping in temples in a deliberate effort to induce divinely inspired dreams which would supply answers concerning the state of health and the future of the dreamer. Oracular dreams even affected affairs of state (Woods, 1947). So-called paranormal phenomena often seemed to have an affinity for dreams. Woods (1947) notes that the Egyptians tried to communicate with others through their dreams, believing that homeless spirits carried the message. This suggests that there was some familiarity with the idea of telepathic communication. PSI Research Studies |
Selected images from a massive late 19th century tome entitled simply Magic, subtitled Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, including Trick Photography, compiled and edited by Albert A. Hopkins. The book takes a thorough tour through the popular magic tricks and illusions of the day, including along the way many delightfully surreal diagrams and illustrations, the top pick of which we've included here - often especially great when seen out of context. Towards the end are some particularly great "decapitation" trick photographs. Spiritualism |
Controversial procedures in medicine are likely to be discussed in the community as everyone is interested in
their health. If the practice is subjective, that is, clear proof is not readily forthcoming, there are likely to be both strong supporters and opponents. In the 18th and 19th centuries, when the dissemination of news was slow, such controversies lasted many years and were likely to appear in novels, drama and poetry of the period. This article gives examples of animal magnetism, mesmerism and hypnosis in contemporary literature. ESP Psychical Research Research Studies Spiritualism |
Peter Underwood, an acknowledged expert and experienced investigator of haunted houses.
A selection of hauntings throughout the United Kingdom.
Only hauntings where all natural causes have been eliminated are included.
Details of:
Locations of haunted property
Where the ghostly figure has been seen
The probable identity of the ghost
The witnesses and evidence for haunting
A formidable collection of ghosts, goalies and things that go bump in the night. Books Peter Underwood Paranormal Investigation |
Based on 50 years' study and investigation, Peter Underwood's unique exploration of the world of ghosts, apparitions and psychic activity draws on a wealth of cases and personal experience. Illustrated with photographs, this fascinating book includes:
-- A chilling array of haunted places, ranging from trees to pubs
-- Encounters with ghosts of the famous including John Wayne and Marilyn Monroe
-- Bizarre cases of unexplained aerial phenomena
-- Extraordinary accounts of time-slips, cyclic ghosts and poltergeists
-- Amazing stories about the ghosts of pets
-- And the strange happenings surrounding inanimate objects such as the battle trumpets of the legendary Tutankhamun Books Ghosts Parapsychology Peter Underwood Paranormal Investigation |
Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions, Including Trick Photography
by Henry Ridgely Evans; Albert A. (Albert Allis) Hopkins Books PSI Spiritualism |
Tricks in magic, illusions, and mental phenomena – January 1, 1895 Books PSI |
All human thought is based on (emanates from) intuition. And as human thought is active, intuition must be active and must be actively presented to the subject (the human personality). Now sensibility is passive and so intuition (which is active) cannot be referred to (cannot emanate from) sensibility. What, then, is the origin of this active presentation of intuition to the subject? I argue that a personality of intuition (an intuitive self) must present intuition to its subject, that is, to the human personality which exists as its (the intuitive self's) partial and mediate manifestation in our universe. Parapsychology Books Psychical Research |
Miracles and modern spiritualism by Wallace, Alfred Russel, 1823-1913 Books Spiritualism |
1920 Covers: Telepathy; Clairvoyance; Crystal-Gazing; Mediums; Trance Mediums; Automatic Writing & Cross Correspondences; Premonitions & Death Warnings; Hallucinations; Haunted Localities; Poltergeists Books Parapsychology Psychical Research |
The new psychic studies in their relation to Christian thought
by Johnson, Franklin, 1836-1916 Books Spiritualism Parapsychology |
First published in 1913, an invaluable source book that includes clear and precise exposition on procedures, rites, and occult mysteries. Every aspect of esoteric doctrine and practice is exhaustively dealt with and every authority cited. Books Occult |
This collection of ghostly tales gathered by Mr. J. Wentworth Day, who has accumulated many of these stories from first-hand sources in the provincial areas of England and Wales, convincingly portrays the experiences of those who have unexpectedly encountered spirits of another dimension. Whether or not one believes in ghosts, the reader will have difficulty denying the impressions these stories leave upon the senses. Books Ghosts |
Scottish man of letters Andrew Lang was a poet, novelist, and literary critic. He was a prolific writer and contributed to antropology as well. He is also known as the collector of fairy tales and folk tales Books Ghosts |
The devils of Loudun -- The drummer of Tedworth -- The haunting of the Wesleys -- The visions of Emanuel Swedenborg -- The Cock Lane ghost -- The ghost seen by Lord Brougham -- The seeress of Prevorst -- The mysterious Mr. Home -- The Watseka wonder -- A medieval ghost hunter -- Ghost hunters of yesterday and to-day Books Ghosts |
Chasing American Monsters, Over 250 Creatures, Cryptids & Hairy Beasts Books Cryptozoology |
This newsletter is from the collection of the Archives for The Unexplained (also known as the Archives for UFO Research), in Sweden. Their website is located at: Books Cryptozoology |
"On The Track Of Unknown Animals is a cryptozoological book by the Belgian-French zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans that was first published in 1955 under the title Sur la Piste des Bêtes Ignorées. The English translation by Richard Garnett was published in 1958 with some updating by the author and with a foreword by Gerald Durrell. A revised and abridged edition was published in 1965, and a further edition in 1995. It is credited with introducing the term cryptozoology and established its author as the "Father of Cryptozoology."
As one reviewer explained, it is a book "about animals that might exist." On The Track Of Unknown Animals cites animals that had only been discovered relatively recently, such as the pygmy chimpanzee, coelacanth, Komodo dragon and giant panda; and those that are believed to have become extinct relatively recently, such as the moa and Tasmanian tiger. A major theme is that these animals were generally known to local peoples, but their stories were dismissed by visiting zoologists, particularly the okapi.
The author then discusses evidence for mystery animals from all over the world including the Mokele-mbembe, sea serpents and the Yeti, with an extensive bibliography. He begins by complaining that "The Press has made such a laughing-stock of the Loch Ness Monster... that no scientific commission has ever dared tackle the problem" and ends with the wish that any new species are not merely slaughtered for trophies: "Have pity on them all, for it is we who are the real monsters."" Books Cryptozoology |
Modern advances in medical knowledge make it possible to revive patients from increasingly severe, life-threatening injuries and illnesses, including cardiac arrest. Upon being revived, such patients often report experiencing life-changing alternate states of consciousness, which they tend to interpret in spiritual terms. Beginning in 1965, I interviewed several thousand individuals who had near-death experiences when they narrowly survived grave medical crises. I conducted the interviews first as a professor of philosophy and logic, then later as a medical doctor and psychiatrist. This paper is an overview of my research on near-death experiences their historical significance, their characteristics, their sociological dimension and their clinical implications. Dr Raymond Moody Research Near Death Experiences Studies |
Parapsychology/Poltergeists Books Ghosts Parapsychology Psychical Research |
Introduction -- The dwellers in the temple -- Waking and sleeping, and how the dweller in the temple sometimes looks abroad -- Allegorical dreams, presentiments, &c. -- Warnings -- Double dreaming and trance, wraiths, &c. -- Wraiths -- Doppelgängers, or doubles -- Apparitions -- The future that awaits us -- The power of will -- Troubled spirits -- Haunted houses -- Spectral lights, and apparitions attached to certain families -- Apparitions seeking the prayers of the living -- The poltergeist of the Germans, and possession -- Miscellaneous phenomena -- Conclusion. Books Historical Archives Ghosts Catherine Crowe |
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Psychology, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Fourth Dimension, Parapsychology Books Parapsychology |
Psychical research: telepathy or thought-transference -- Mesmerism and hypnotism: history and therapeutic effects -- Hypnotism: psychical aspect -- Lucidity or clairvoyance -- Double or multiplex personality -- Natural somnambulism; hypnotic somnambulism; dreams -- Automatism; planchette -- Automatic writing, drawing and painting -- Crystal-gazing -- Phantasms -- Phantasms, continued -- Conclusions. Books Psychical Research Spiritualism ESP |
A reckoning with time -- The folk-lore of childhood -- Weather lore -- Signs of all sorts -- Charms to good luck -- Charms against disease -- Of fate in jewels -- Of love and marriage -- Of evil omens -- Of haunted houses, persons, and places -- Of presentiments -- The divining-rod -- Wonders of the physical universe -- "ships that pass in the night" -- Fortune-telling, astrology, and palmistry. Books Everything Paranormal ESP Ghosts Divination |
I do not pretend to know any answers. After a lifetime of travel and study I am still learning the questions. This is a journey into man's past and the curious manifestations which have always surrounded him and which have directed the human race upwards from the caves to the Moon itself. It is a journey into a jungle of myth, legend and belief, and hopefully, it is another small step towards the larger truth that man has always sought but never really found. Everything Paranormal UFO John A Keel Books |
When you read this book keep in mind the simple fact that American ufology is based upon psychological factors that have been well understood for thousands of years and which have led the human race into many dreary Dark Ages. As this shell-shocked century draws to a close we are not confronting some splendid extraterrestrial civilization. We are facing ourselves. Books UFO John A Keel |
Are we being invaded from outer space, as many UFO hobbyists contend? Are secret government agencies tapping your phone and tampering with your mail? Does somebody else really own this earth and use it as a Disneyland of the Gods? Veteran Fortean author Keel reports with wit on the startling encounters with 'the tricksters' (so well-known to the American Indians), the Men in Black, assorted monsters, snallygasters, mothmen and weird hairy creatures that all seem to vanish into thin air. Chapters on UFO Crashes in Scandinavia, Mysterious Crime Waves, Clones, Hybrids and Sleepers, An Idaho Triangle, Sea Monsters, The Moonstone Mystery, New Age of the Gods, more. Books Cryptozoology UFO John A Keel |
Guide to Mysterious and Legendary Creatures Books Cryptozoology |
A number of essays related to psychical research Books Parapsychology Psychical Research |
being a brief account of the most important historical phenomena, a criticism of their evidential value, and a complete exposition of the methods employed in fraudulently reproducing the same Books Psychical Research |
Roads to Eternity discusses the different ways we can communicate with
the spirit dimension, as well as other worlds. It describes in detail the many
contacts Sarah Estep had with the unseen. Books EVP Ghosts Sarah Estep |
Voices of Eternity is written by AA-EVP Founder, Sarah Estep. Sarah invites you to
download, read and share this book with your friends. She asks only that you respect her
copyright and credit her should you chose to quote any part of the book. EVP Books Sarah Estep |
A translated version of the book a translation of the Book
Sprechfunk mit Verstorbenen
Praktische Kontaktherstellung mit dem Jenseits
von Friedrich Juergenson EVP Historical Archives Books |
Hidden Channels of the mind by Louisa E Rhine Books J B Rhine Parapsychology ESP |
A journal of Doyle's spiritualist tour of Australia in the 1920s Books Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Due to the number of investigations provided by individuals, groups and organisations into haunting experiences and the lack of any governing body, there is a need for a set of guidelines to provide investigators and members of the public with an outline for how such investigations should be conducted ethically. This paper is intended to provide a set of such guidelines. The paper is divided into three sections: (a) general issues – discussing overall issues for investigations, such as informed consent, confidentiality, charging, power, etc; (b) case-specific issues – issues informed by specific methods for investigating cases, such as interviewing, location investigation and overnight examinations; and, (c) other ethical issues – covering more exceptional issues, such as referral to other parties, and the pastoral role of investigators. These guidelines are meant to highlight ethical issues in investigations of this type, and are not designed to dictate specific procedural guidelines that different groups might follow. It is hoped that these guidelines demonstrate the difficulties inherent in these investigations, and promote a much needed debate about such issues. Studies Psychology Ghosts Parapsychology |
Volume 2 of the History of Spiritualism by Arthur Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Spiritualism Books |
Dreams and Telepathy paper by Sigmind Freud published in 1922 Books ESP Psychology |
The End Of Borley Rectory by Harry_price Books Harry Price Historical Archives |
On the threshold of the unseen : an examination of the phenomena of spiritualism and of the evidence for survival after death Books Spiritualism Consciousness Historical Archives Psychical Research |
Psychical Research Barrett, William, Sir, 1844-1925 Psychical Research ESP Research Books |
The Naturalisation Of The Supernatural
by Frank Podmore Books Frank Podmore Psychical Research |
Modern Spiritualism Vol-2 by Frank Podmore Books Frank Podmore Psychical Research Spiritualism |
Modern Spiritualism Vol-1 by Frank Podmore Books Spiritualism Frank Podmore Psychical Research |
Apparitions and Thought - Transference
by Frank Podmore Books Ghosts Psychical Research Frank Podmore |
Human Personality And Its Survival Of Bodily Death Vol Ii
by Frederic W. H. Myers Books Historical Archives Psychical Research Ghosts Frederic W.H Myers |
Phantasms of the Living, published in 1886, which embodies much of
the early work of the Society for Psychical Research, and in particular
much valuable discussion by its earliest honorary secretary, Edmund
Gurney, has long been out of print. But as its value has been but little
affected by subsequent investigations, and it still forms the basis on
which much of the present-day work on telepathy, and especially on
apparitions, rests, it is thought that a new edition is likely to be appreciated
by the public. Had the authors been with us still, a new edition
would no doubt have been brought up to date. New evidence would
have been included, and the discussion might perhaps have been added
to or diminished, to suit the new atmosphere which the book itself has
helped to create. Books Ghosts Historical Archives Psychical Research Frederic W.H Myers Frank Podmore |
Cold Light On Spiritualistic Phenomena
by Harry Price Harry Price Books Psychical Research Spiritualism |
Extra Sensory Perception
by Rhine J. B. Books ESP Parapsychology J B Rhine |
Psychical investigations : some personally-observed proofs of survival
by Hill, John Arthur, 1872- Ghosts Psychical Research Research Books |
Contact with the other world; the latest evidence as to communication with the dead
by Hyslop, James H. (James Hervey), 1854- Ghosts Historical Archives Spiritualism Psychical Research Research |
The law of psychic phenomena; a working hypothesis for the systematic study of hypnotism, spiritism, mental therapeutics, etc
by Hudson, Thomson Jay, 1834-1903 Psychical Research ESP Books Spiritualism |
The naturalisation of the supernatural
by Podmore, Frank, 1856-1910 Parapsychology Books Psychical Research Research |
Experiments in psychical research at Leland Stanford Junior University
by Coover, John Edgar, 1872-1938; Martin, Lillien Jane, 1851-1943; Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress) DLC Books Psychical Research Research |
Phantasms of the living
by Gurney, Edmund, 1847-1888; Society for Psychical Research (London, England); Myers, Frederic William Henry, 1843-1901; Podmore, Frank, 1856-1910; Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (Balfour), Mrs., 1845- Ghosts Books Research Psychical Research |
Memoir of Henry Sidgwick - one of the founders of the Society For Psychical Research Books Research Psychical Research |
"The leading exponent of the New Thought."
Published by: Alliance Pub. Co.,
Title from caption
Houdini Collection: Vol. 8, no. 3 (June 1901) Books Spiritualism Psychology Harry Houdini |
Confessions of a Ghost Hunter by Harry Price Books Ghosts Research Psychical Research Harry Price |
Harry Price writes about the history and connection between Ghost Stories and Christmas. Books Research Harry Price |
Is spiritualism a religion or a racket? How does it differ from psychical research? What went on in the world of seances, mediums, and the scientists who investigated them in the early decades of the twentieth century? This fascinating account, first published in the 1930s, brings to life an era when spiritualists gripped the public imagination and researchers fought to determine what was and wasn't real. Books Research Psychical Research Harry Price |
Rhine talking about his work with ESP and his experiments including the Zener Card Trials Books ESP J B Rhine |
The present study investigated whether suggestion, level of belief in the paranormal, and proneness to reality testing deficits influenced participants' expectation of haunt-related phenomena. Participants watched a short slideshow outlining the history of a fictitious, abandoned hospital. Suggestion occurred in the final sentence of the presentation narration and stated that the hospital administrative building had either a history of ghostly activity or structural problems. Following the slideshow, to ensure participants attended to the suggestion, they read a transcript of the presentation narration. The experimenter then informed participants that they would see the internal features of the administrative building via a soundless, black and white video tour. On conclusion of the filmed sequence, participants completed measures assessing environmental perceptions and phenomena, haunt-related opinions and feelings, belief in the paranormal (Revised Paranormal Belief Scale), and proneness to reality testing deficits (Inventory of Personality Organization). Within the experimental phase, only level of paranormal belief and proneness to reality testing deficits affected haunt-related ratings; suggestion had no effect. Second phase inquiry, using path analysis, revealed that haunting history (the extent to which participants believed the administrative building had a history of being haunted) mediated the relationship between paranormal belief and expectation of haunt-related phenomena. Psychology Studies Research Ghosts |
Many people believe in extra-sensory perception, e.g. the ability to communicate with thoughts, to sense future events or locate radiation with the help of a V-shaped piece of wood. Addressing a gap in research specifically focused on ESP beliefs, we investigated cognitive styles and basic motivations related to these beliefs in two survey studies. The findings suggest that a propensity to use intuition is the best predictor of ESP beliefs in terms of cognitive style. ESP belief is positively related to fear of death, and this relation is partly mediated by fatalism, i.e. the belief that chance controls one’s life. ESP beliefs do not seem to be perceived as irreconcilable with a rational view of reality however, they do not necessarily provide psychological protection from existential concerns. The implications of the findings in terms of costs and benefits of these beliefs and the possibility to change them are discussed. ESP PSI Studies |
I AM now going to describe some experiments I carried out on "direct-voice" phenomena, which phenomena occurred during several séances held in my own house. As the reader is no doubt aware, the "direct voice" is a rather rare form of psychic phenomenon. Voices, not apparently the voice of the medium or of any of the sitters, speak from the air within or around the circle. They speak through thin metal cones or "trumpets" which seemingly float about in the air under psychic support, their function being to concentrate the voice sounds and thus make them more audible than they otherwise would be. I refer the reader who desires to obtain a good general idea of this type of mediumship to the late Vice-Admiral Moore's book The Voices. Blogs Spiritualism |
The Epworth Phenomena (1917)
To which are appended certain Psychic Experiences
recorded by John Wesley in the pages of his journal
[Wesley if the founder of Methodism]
Collated by
Dudley Wright [1868-1949] Books Spiritualism |
Although many of you reading this book, like myself, have few personal doubts that something like extrasensory perception is real, the effort to establish ESP as a scientific fact has been a continuous struggle the outcome of which still remains uncertain. Many subjects whose demonstrations had originally convinced researchers from the British Society for Psychical Research were later detected using bogus means to dupe these eminent scientists. Fascinated by their few successes, researchers continued undaunted in the midst of failures, criticism, and detected frauds. Blogs ESP Parapsychology PSI |
Frances Power Cobbe, The Peak in Darien: An Octave of Essays (Boston: Geo. H. Ellis, 1882)
Full public domain book with a written review Books Spiritualism Consciousness |
Verbatim report of a public debate on 'The Truth of Spiritualism' between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (representing Spiritualism) and Joseph McCabe (representing the Rationalist Press Association).
Held at the Queen's Hall, Langham Place, London, W., on Thursday, March 11, 1920.
Chairman: Sir Edward Marshall-Hall
Revised by both disputants. Books Spiritualism |
The present investigation tested the hypothesis that, as an aspect of schizotypal thinking, the formation of paranormal beliefs was related to spreading activation characteristics within semantic networks. From a larger student population (n = 117) prescreened for paranormal belief, 12 strong believers and 12 strong disbelievers (all women) were invited for a lateralized semantic priming task with directly and indirectly related prime-target pairs. Believers showed stronger indirect (but not direct) semantic priming effects than disbelievers after left (but not right) visual field stimulation, indicating faster appreciation of distant semantic relations specifically by the right hemisphere, reportedly specialized in coarse rather than focused semantic processing. These results are discussed in the light of recent findings in schizophrenic patients with thought disorders. They suggest that a disinhibition with semantic networks may underlie the formation of paranormal belief. The potential usefulness of work with healthy subjects for neuropsychiatric research is stressed. Studies Research Psychology |
Reality television programs that explore purportedly paranormal phenomena with pseudoscientific research approaches have emerged in popular culture. These shows commonly feature electronic voice phenomena (EVP), whereby recording devices capture audio signals that are interpreted as paranormal messages. We compared perceptions for voices in EVP with actual speech, acoustic noise, and degraded speech. Some participants were told that the experiment was about speech intelligibility, whereas others were told that the experiment was about paranormal EVP. The paranormal prime increased the proportion of trials for which participants perceived voices in both EVP stimuli and degraded speech. When a voice was detected, low agreement was found regarding the content of EVP messages. In both priming conditions, participants reported general skepticism in the paranormal. Results are discussed in the context of theoretical perspectives on paranormal events, trait‐versus‐state accounts of paranormal beliefs, and pseudoscientific approaches to research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. EVP Ghosts Studies |
The VAPUS model (Hill et al., 2018, 2019) characterizes the powerful "brand personality" of ghost narratives in terms of their Versatility, Adaptability, Participatory Nature, Universality, and Scalability. This suggests that these narratives act as cultural memes that partly reflect interpersonal or group dynamics. We use these themes in a review and conceptual synthesis of key literature to address the phenomenon of "gaslighting," which denotes the determined efforts of an influencer to alter the perceptions of a targeted individual. Modelling ghost narratives as psychosocial constructions implies malleability via attitudinal and normative influences. Accordingly, we specify and discuss two apparent manifestations of this narrative plasticity, i.e., "positive (reinforcing) gaslighting" (i.e., confirmation biases) or "negative (rejecting) gaslighting" (i.e., second-guessing or self-doubt). These ideas clarify some Trickster-type effects and imply that all ghost narratives likely involve gaslighting to an extent. Parapsychology Psychology Research Science Ghosts |
A research project on the UFO phenomenon is proposed in which UFO targets are treated on a par with astronomical objects having no fixed coordinates. Specifically oriented monitoring techniques and strategies involving small telescopes which are connected to CCD detectors, spectrographs and photon-counting photometers are presented. Expected exposure-times for acquiring a good S/N ratio of the target using all the proposed instruments is also evaluated. Finally, physical information which is expected to come out from data analysis are presented and discussed in detail. Research UFO |
Recently, the University of Pennsylvania has become a center for research on ghosts. Usually restricted to the fields of (Para)Psychology and Religious Studies, the study of ghosts has never been approached in a serious or comprehensive way in the humanities, the social sciences, or healthcare. In the academy, ghost belief has been something to be explained away. Studies that consistently show that large percentages of people in Japan, Brazil, South Africa, the United States, India, France, the Philippines, Russia, Thailand, and many other places believe in ghosts or claim to have felt or seen ghosts are treated with a metaphorical smirk or a disappointing shake of the head. How could people believe in something that has no scientific proof? Why believe in something that does not have comforting psychological benefit that belief in “higher powers” (gods, goddesses) does? Why would people continue to create literature, art, ritual, film about menacing specters? In efforts to account for this irrational belief, ghosts have been relegated to symptoms of socio-economic conditions, a lack of access to education, a pre-modern religio-cultural leftover, or simply as a psychological coping mechanism. Research Parapsychology Psychology |
In the Ganzfeld technique, the visual and auditory perceptual fields are homogenized. After a short exposure to completely unstructured sensory input, participants transit into an altered state of consciousness. Visual homogenization is typically accomplished by a combination of goggles and bright light; auditory homogenization is accomplished by the presentation of unstructured auditory noise via headphones. The induced state is phenomenologically similar to a transition state between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by alterations in attentiveness, perception, and awareness, as well as by a compressed sense of time. Due to these replicable features of the Ganzfeld‐induced state, it can be used within empirical research on the neuronal underpinnings of altered states phenomena. After a historic overview, here, we present data from a study on the stability of the subjectively experienced effects induced under different auditory homogenization conditions. In a fully randomized within‐subject design (n = 24), we tested for the effects of three different auditory noise conditions: (1) violet, (2) white, and (3) brown noise. The combination of a standardized psychometric assessment, ratings on subjective time perception, as well as open reports prove the Ganzfeld‐induced effects as being stable and effects within each participant as highly replicable, and therefore well suited for experimental purposes. Finally, the subjective experiences elucidated by the Ganzfeld technique are discussed within the framework of predictive coding and how changes in the interaction of top‐down and bottom‐up brain mechanisms could lead to the observed phenomenology. Parapsychology Research Studies ESP |
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and experience. Para-psychology studies anomalies of behavior and experience, called paranormal experiences. Paranormal phenomena transcend the boundaries of time, space and force.
Para-psychology is divided into two main branches: a) extra-sensory perception (ESP) which is the study of communications ostensibly without the known sensory organs and, b) psychokinesis (PK) or the study of physical events that apparently occur without involvement of any recognized motor organs. Psychology Parapsychology ESP |
Many studies of psychological misconceptions have used tests with methodological and psychometric shortcomings, creating problems for interpreting individual differences related to misconceptions. To address these problems, we developed the Test of Psychological Knowledge and Misconceptions (TOPKAM), administering it to two samples of psychology students. Results from the first study (N = 162) supported the TOPKAM's internal consistency and showed that the number correct on the TOPKAM was significantly predicted by measures of paranormal belief, faith in intuition, the ability to distinguish scientific fields and practices from pseudoscientific ones, and SAT scores. Also, scores on a measure of critical thinking dispositions in psychology predicted TOPKAM scores. A second study (N = 178) supported the TOPKAM's test–retest reliability at four weeks and showed that TOPKAM scores were significantly predicted by the same critical thinking dispositions measure and also by scores on a test of critical thinking, argument analysis skill. Psychology Research Science |
Research suggests a “Haunted People Syndrome (HP-S)” defined by recurrent and systematic perceptions of anomalous subjective and objective anomalies. Such signs or symptoms are traditionally attributed to “spirits and the supernatural,” but these themes are hypothesised to morph to “surveillance and stalking” in reports of “group-(or gang) stalking,” We tested this premise with a quali-quantitative exercise that mapped group-stalking experiences from a published first-hand account to a Rasch measure of haunt-type anomalies. This comparison found significant agreement in the specific “signs or symptoms” of both phenomena. Meta-patterns likewise showed clear conceptual similarities between the phenomenology of haunts and group-stalking. Findings are consistent with the idea that both anomalous episodes involve the same, or similar, attentional or perceptual processes and thereby support the viability of the HP-S construct. Parapsychology Psychology Studies Research Science |
This paper seeks to continue a program of research that explores the possible relationship between
exposure to media messages and paranormal beliefs. Following the work of Sparks, Nelson and Campbell
(1997), who reported the results of a random sample survey taken in 1994, this study reports the findings
of a second random sample survey taken in the same geographic area several years later. The results of the
survey show that paranormal beliefs are prevalent in the population and that they are related to reports of
television exposure to programs that regularly depict paranormal phenomena. Like the findings reported
by Sparks, Nelson and Campbell (1997), this study found that the relationship between TV viewing and
paranormal beliefs was contingent upon prior personal experience with a paranormal event. However,
the form of this contingent relationship was directly opposite from that observed in the earlier survey. In
this study, the relationship between TV exposure and paranormal beliefs emerged only for respondents
who reported personal experience with the paranormal. Plausible reasons for the conflicting findings and
suggestions for future research are discussed Research Studies |
In spite of strong public expressions of skepticism from the scientific community, polls show that more than nine out of ten American adults profess belief in paranormal phenomena. Some scientists view
this as a social problem, directing much blame (but little research) at a variety of sources including lack of critical thinking skills, fads, need for transcendent experiences, failure of the educational system, and cultural cycles. Social impact theory provides an alternative focus: it views paranormal
beliefs as a natural consequence of social influence processes in interpersonal settings. Research Studies Psychology |
A review of nearly 20 years of sociocultural research and trends on "ghostly episodes" (ghosts, haunted houses, and poltergeists) suggests that personal accounts, group investigations, and popular depictions of anomalous experiences function as active, meaningful, and potent cultural memes. These, in part, reflect interpersonal or group dynamics grounded in Durkheimian models, as well as Social Identity and Conflict theories. Expanding on and integrating these themes, this paper provides a general framework that explains the enduring popularity of ghost narratives in terms of their versatility, adaptability, participatory nature, universality, and scalability (VAPUS model). This perspective implies that ghostly episodes, as experiences and narratives, embody and exemplify the marketing concepts of "brand personality" and consumer engagement. Accordingly, social and cultural influences are discussed as important and inherent contextual variables that help to produce, promote, shape, and sustain these narratives. Research Studies Psychology |
Throughout the 1990s, scientific studies dealing with anomalous phenomena have been actively pursued in Japan following a nation-wide rise in interest in supernatural phenomena and qigong. This review article covers various research actitivies in Japan. Everything Paranormal Studies Research |
Strange Effects from UFOs" (a NICAP "Special Report") is now online. Its author, Gordon Lore, kindly gave permission and Barry Greenwood did the scanning. It contains an early catalogue of UFO cases with alleged physiological effects UFO Research |
This is a complete copy of the book, originally published by ASSAP in 1993. It has
NOT been updated since, so it will inevitably be out of date. It is provided because there is so
little information available on this subject. Unfortunately, little work has been done since as
very few researchers have studied the field. Regrettably, the SLIDE project no longer exists
though ASSAP is still interested in reports of SLI Research Studies |
Back in 2010, Drs. Carlos S. Alvarado and Nancy L. Zingrone, established a project called “The Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education” under their consulting business, Alvarado Zingrone and Associates. The AZIRE was founded to be the category under which all of their online educational activities could take place. The original site contained lots of information about their own work (and this site includes that too) but especially highlighted the founding and development of The AZIRE Library and Learning Center in the virtual world, Second Life (which was founded before the website, on August 29th, 2009), as well as the WizIQ-based and Moodle-based teaching activities of the pair (which came along in 2010 with the original website). More recently also subsumed under The AZIRE aegis is the YouTube Channel Parapsychology Online. Parapsychology Research |
No other organization in the world performs the job that the Parapsychological Association does. The PA provides a professional home for scientists and scholars around the world who dare to investigate phenomena shunned by mainstream science. The PA unites both the skeptics and the advocates of parapsychology’s controversial findings in productive scientific dialogue. The PA provides objective and reasoned information on what is known and what is not known about parapsychology to the media and the public, who are all too often beset by the irrational claims from those with unscientific beliefs in either the existence or non-existence of psychic phenomena. PSI ESP Parapsychology Research |
Your Go-To Source for Research into Ghosts, Apparitions, and All Things Paranormal Everything Paranormal Ghosts Parapsychology Theories |
A five-year scientific investigation into life after death and other dimensions
'The most important scientific investigation of life after death in history' Consciousness Research Theories | was started by Thomas Jones of Wales and David Duffield of West Virginia on April 11th 2002 with the aim of publishing articles, books and photographs relating to survival after death and psychical research. We were an independent group which regularly cooperates with several distinguished psychical researchers and parapsychologists. is now managed by Webmaster Kevin Williams of Spiritualism Consciousness |
The Australian Institute of Parapsychological Research, Incorporated (AIPR, Inc., or Parapsychology Institute) was established in 1977 and is a non-profit community association. The AIPR is based in Sydney, New South Wales, and its membership is world-wide. Parapsychology Research |
“Telepathy” is defined as “the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense”. Meta-analyses of “ganzfield” studies as well as “card-guessing task” studies provide compelling evidence for the existence of telepathic phenomena. The aim of this study was to elucidate the neural basis of telepathy by examining an individual with this special ability. Research PSI ESP Parapsychology Studies |
Founded in 1967 by Dr. Ian Stevenson, the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) is a highly productive university-based research group devoted to the investigation of phenomena that challenge mainstream scientific paradigms regarding the nature of the mind/brain relationship. Researchers at DOPS are particularly interested in studying phenomena related to consciousness functioning beyond the confines of the physical body, and phenomena that suggest continuation of consciousness after physical death. Research Consciousness Studies |
Welcome to, a free website dedicated to providing accurate and unbiased information about the world of the paranormal. Research Everything Paranormal |
Can the Living Converse With the Dead? By Harry Houdini.
Canton Daily News. 16 November, 1924. Research Historical Archives Harry Houdini |
This is from a rare CD of recordings by the late Friedrich Jürgenson. He was one of the early researchers of E.V.P. Research EVP |
For thousands of years those of Ra have sought to teach the Law of One to seekers of truth on Earth who wished to learn of the unity or oneness of all things. This basic law of all creation is buried deep within each of our hearts because we really are one in love and in light, the building blocks of the universe. We are all manifestations of the One Infinite Creator. We are the Creator. We are not learning this law for the first time but are remembering it yet again as all mystics have taught throughout Earth's history. Our journey of self-realization is the discovery or remembrance of this essential truth, our essential identity. A waking up, as some have called it, within an illusion of separation. Books Spiritualism |
This collection documents the subculture of individuals who believe in extraterrestrial beings and their presence on and around Earth. It focuses on websites created by members of this subculture, and which document a belief in extraterrestrial encounters (e.g., UFO sightings, crashes, or abductions, and government conspiracy theories relating to concealed knowledge of, or interaction with, extraterrestrial beings). UFO |
This study aims to contribute to a scientific understanding of intuition, a process by which information normally outside the range of conscious awareness is perceived by the psychophysiological systems. PSI Parapsychology Research Studies |
This paper contains a narrative overview of the past 20-years of environmental research on anomalous experiences attributed to “haunted house.” Ghosts Studies Research | Books |
Presents opposing viewpoints on the existence of paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory perception, unidentified flying objects, and the prediction of the future
Do paranormal phenomena exist? -- Are UFOs real? -- Does ESP exist? -- Can the future be predicted? -- Can humans interact with the spirit world? Books Everything Paranormal Ghosts Parapsychology UFO |
Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud ?: The Evidence Given by Sir A.C. Doyle and Others Books Spiritualism |
Verbatim Report of a Public Debate on "The Truth of Spiritualism" Between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph McCabe: Held at the Queen's Hall, London, on March 11, 1920 by Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph McCabe Books Spiritualism Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
This classic skeptical work explores and exposes the methods of such "wonders" as "The Incombustible Spaniard," "Defiers of Poisonous Reptiles," and many others. Originally published in the 1920s, Miracle Mongers and Their Methods scrupulously examines the direct predecessors of modern psychics and mentalists. Books Harry Houdini |
In 1813, Dr John Ferriar published ‘An Essay Towards a Theory of Apparitions’ which detailed his thoughts that people experienced what they thought to be ghosts which were actually optical illusions. Parapsychology Ghosts Books |
When I began my research into near-death experiences in 1968, I was a skeptic and an atheist.
Now I am neither.
What convinced me after 50 years of investigating near-death experiences?
As an M.D. and a Doctor of Philosophy, I could no longer deny the survival of consciousness after hearing thousands of accounts from patients and doctors. Consciousness Research Spiritualism Near Death Experiences Dr Raymond Moody |
We investigate whether quantum theory can be understood as the continuum limit of a mechanical theory, in which there is a huge, but finite, number of classical “worlds,” and quantum effects arise solely from a universal interaction between these worlds, without reference to any wave function. Here, a “world” means an entire universe with well-defined properties, determined by the classical configuration of its particles and fields. In our approach, each world evolves deterministically, probabilities arise due to ignorance as to which world a given observer occupies, and we argue that in the limit of infinitely many worlds the wave function can be recovered (as a secondary object) from the motion of these worlds. We introduce a simple model of such a “many interacting worlds” approach and show that it can reproduce some generic quantum phenomena—such as Ehrenfest’s theorem, wave packet spreading, barrier tunneling, and zero-point energy—as a direct consequence of mutual repulsion between worlds. Finally, we perform numerical simulations using our approach. We demonstrate, first, that it can be used to calculate quantum ground states, and second, that it is capable of reproducing, at least qualitatively, the double-slit interference phenomenon. Studies Research Theories |
Harry Houdini and his exposure of the fraud spiritualist, spirit photography, spirit slate writing, ectoplasm, clairvoyance, and other quakery and cons perpetrated on the gullible, by the likes of the Boston Medium Margery, the Davenport Brothers, Annie Eva Fay, the Fox Sisters, Daniel Dunglas Home, Eusapia Pallandino, and other con artists of their ilk.
The whole country got excited by Houdini's campaign against faking spiritualists. He careened through the country, offering money for spirit contacts he couldn't duplicate by admitted magical chicanery. It was a heyday not only for Houdini but for the spirit-callers and there was an equally famous protagonist who thought the spirits could indeed be contacted, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A photo at the front records a meeting between Houdini and Doyle and Houdini gives Doyle his own chapter. There's an earlier chapter on Daniel Dunglas Home, the English engineer of spectacular paranormal effects. Houdini raises hell with spiritualists who were giving their (usually paying) clients a vision of heavens to come, and shares the methods used to practice "fake" and sensational spiritualism.
Houdini was nothing if not unrelenting. As a taste of things to come, he ends his introduction with the words: "Up to the present time everything that I have investigated has been the result of deluded brains." Books Harry Houdini |
The author summarizes five experiments in which he studied the psychokinetic (PK) effect (the mental influence on the outcome of chance processes) under tight supervision by independent observers. Through the use of prerecorded random events as targets, the observers could evaluate the results independently, without having to trust the reliability of the author or his equipment. The total of these five studies, which represent all the work done under external supervision, produced an effect deviating by 3.67 standard deviations from chance expectancy. The odds against such an outcome are about 8,000 to 1. Thus, the results support the extstence of a PK effect on prerecorded random events, in agreement with previous experiments. The observed PK effect is inconsistent with current quantum theory. It shows that the theory is not correct when applied to systems that include human subjects. Furthermore, the existence of a weak mental effect on the outcome of chance events cautions the physicist to be careful in the interpretation of results that are based on relatively few chance events. Studies Research PSI |
The coming of the fairies, by Arthur Conan Doyle, illustrated from photographs. Author of "The New Revelation", "The Vital Message", "Wanderings of a Spiritualist". This book contains reproductions of the famous Cottingley photographs, and gives the whole of the evidence in connection with them. The diligent reader is in a good position form a judgment upon the authenticity of the pictures. This narrative is not a special plea for that authenticity, but is simply a collection of facts the inferences from which may be accepted or rejected as the reader may think fit. The series of incidents set forth in this little volume represent either the most elaborate and ingenious hoax every played upon the public, or else they constitute an event in human history which may in the future appear to have been epoch-making in its character. Books Spiritualism Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Translated by Nadia Fowler, edited by Joyce Morton, with a Preface by Peter Bander. This book is the documented result of six years’ arduous research into an astounding scientific phenomenon, accidentally discovered in Sweden by Friedrich Jürgenson in 1957. In some way, and for reasons not yet fully understood, voices of dead persons linked by affection or interest with the experimenter appear during playbacks of tape recordings on which no such voices were audible at the time of the original recording. These voices always state their names and may be identified as male or female, but all speak very much faster than is normal and employ a curious speech rhythm. In the course of his research, Dr Raudive was joined by eminent scientists, physicists, psychologists, and theologians, many of whom were university professors. Before undertaking the publication of this English-language edition, the publishers have requested other respected scientists and scholars to verify procedures and findings related in Dr Raudive’s book. The discovery of this phenomenon – later called the Electronic Voice Phenomenon – is a breakthrough of unquestionable importance. Research Ghosts Books ITC |
A set of brain regions known as the default network increases its activity when focus on the external world is relaxed. During such moments, participants change their focus of external attention and engage in spontaneous cognitive processes including remembering the past and imagining the future. Studies PSI Research |
We are passionate and dedicated people, steadfast in our commitment to provide solutions for activating the heart of humanity. HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups and organizations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognize and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence. Consciousness Research Spiritualism Parapsychology Studies |
The Global Consciousness Project is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists and engineers. We collect data continuously from a global network of physical random number generators located in up to 70 host sites around the world at any given time. The data are transmitted to a central archive which now contains more than 15 years of random data in parallel sequences of synchronized 200-bit trials generated every second. Research Studies Parapsychology PSI Consciousness |
Modern research with mediums-individuals who regularly experience and report communication from the deceased-includes investigations of mediums' accuracy, psychology, phenomenology, and electrophysiology and the therapeutic potential of mediumship readings for the bereaved. Anecdotal reports imply that chronic medical problems may be a serious concern for mediums. Research PSI Parapsychology Studies |
View the latest from the world of psychology: from behavioral research to practical guidance on relationships, mental health and addiction. Blogs Science Psychology Research |
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Science |
HowStuffWorks Science has explanations and colorful illustrations related to earth science, life science, and other wonders of the physical world. ... and construction of mechanical devices, equipment, structures and public works systems Blogs Research Science |
I have created, not as a vehicle to fight the current mainstream manufactured reality, but instead to provide a vehicle for like-minded, independent thinkers, to help create something new. Something better.
Instead of endless searches on the Internet, we will bring you the news, every day, right across the spectrum of hundreds of non-mainstream news Topics. Blogs Alternative News |
A blog by John Cox devoted to exploring and celebrating the life and legacy of HARRY HOUDINI in history, media, and in pop culture. Updates daily. Blogs Harry Houdini |
This Blog should hopefully cover some of my experiences whist investigating the paranormal, a few pieces of historical interest on locations I have investigated, a little bit on paranormal theories and some discussion on paranormal techniques. With some general updates and possibly even a little humour too! Blogs PSI Research |
The Ghost Club is the oldest organisation in the world associated with psychical research. It was founded in 1862 but has its roots in Cambridge University where, in 1855, fellows at Trinity College began to discuss ghosts and psychic phenomena. Everything Paranormal Ghosts Research |
The Psi Encyclopedia is a new collection of articles and case studies about psi research, the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena. It's a work in progress, being created by the Society for Psychical Research in London. ESP PSI Research Parapsychology |
ASSAP is a charity and learned society founded in 1981 to investigate, research and educate on a wide range of anomalous phenomena, from hauntings to UFOs, mediumship to monsters Everything Paranormal Research |
Founded in 1882, the SPR was the first organisation to conduct scholarly research into human experiences that challenge contemporary scientific models Everything Paranormal Parapsychology Research |
The Rhine Research Center explores the frontiers of consciousness and exceptional human experiences in the context of unusual and unexplained phenomena. The Rhine’s mission is to advance the science of parapsychology, to provide education and resources for the public, and to foster a community for individuals with personal and professional interest in PSI. Parapsychology Ghosts Spiritualism PSI ESP Research |
A paranormal blog aimed at paranormal enthusiasts and investigators. Everything Paranormal |
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