Intuitive Word Association Test

19th January 2022. Reading Time: 1 minute General, Paranormal Theories. 1266 page views. 0 comments.

In his book, The Ghost Hunter's Guide, famous researcher Peter Underwood talked about how he found using an intuitive word-association test to help decide if a person he was interviewing may or may not have intuitive or psychic abilities. Let's give it a go and see what score you get!

People often wonder if they have psychic abilities.  You may have even found yourself doing an online quiz that tells you how likely it is that you are psychic.  I don't think any of these tests can tell definitely of course, but they are a lot of fun.  One of the most well-known ways to test a person's ESP was the Zener Card trials conducted by J B Rhine.  They have become a symbol of testing a person's intuition.  You can learn more about Zener Cards and do an online test right here on my website.

In his book, The Ghost Hunter's Guide, famous researcher Peter Underwood talked about how he found using an intuitive word-association test to help decide if a person he was interviewing may or may not have intuitive or psychic abilities.  It supposedly determines if a person relies more on mental perception without reasoning, meaning there is a higher chance they could be psychic.  The test had 12 keywords with 4 possible associations for each word.  At the end of the test, the results are tallied against the 'correct' answer.  The higher the score means the more intuitive a person is likely to be.  Any incorrect answers are considered to be irrelevant and score 0 points. 

The pre-selected 'correct' words are supposed to be psychically associated with the keywords through either dream significance, positive and negative relationships or magical associations.  The rest of the answers are said to indicate an early level of relationship.

So let's give it a try!  You can complete the test below or click here

When you are done, tell me in the comments below!


The Ghost Hunter's Guide by Peter Underwood President Of The Ghost Club (1986)

Intuitive Word-Association Test 

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