I have written about the Ovilus a few times over the life span of this blog. When I first started investigating, I thought it was the best thing out there. I thought it could talk to me and tell me words of a what a spirit was thinking. I soon began to realize that a lot of the same words were coming up in the same places. When I sat back and watched I saw how easily people (including myself) were able to put the pieces of a story together. Were we stretching and making something out of nothing? So I started to really understand how this device worked. To do so, I had to break down the dictionary and anaylise the words. If you want to read more about this research, check out the article 'What are the odds?'. You will even find in here the % odds of the word you are looking for to appear. It is really intriguing information that can help you to interpret the words you have coming through.
I have been wondering for a while how to take this further. What further experiments can I do with the Ovilus to put this dictionary to the test? One of the arguments that people have against the Ovilus is that they believe it is just a random word generator. Admittedly quite often it does spit out random words that have no relevance so it is easy to see why so many people have this argument. So the question is, if for the purpose of the exercise it is just a random word generator, how does it stack up against an actual random word generator?
It is important to note that an ovilus is not a random word generator. It uses changes within the environment which match up to the word in a database. It is why in some areas you tend to get the same words in the same area. A random word generator is just that. It is not measuring the atmosphere around you, it is simply picking a random word. In this instance, it is a comparison exercise.
I wanted to be able to use a word generator where I could choose the words that were in the generator. I wanted the words to be the same words that are in the Ovilus dictionary. So for this exercise, I have chosen a word generator that allows you to input the choices https://www.textfixer.com/tools/random-choice.php. It had a simple enough format for this exercise, but there are many available online. All you need to do is find one to suit you.
Once I had the website loaded, I copied and pasted the words from the Ovilus 3 database.
(If you want a copy of the list of words, there is a link to this list of words here : Ovilus 3 Database )
It is then simply a matter of pressing the Random Choice button and it will come up with a random word from the list you have copied in.
The easiest thing to do in this instance would be to preload the information into an electronic device like an iPad or laptop. You won't need internet once the website has been loaded and the words inputted into the list. Remember if you are using a phone or iPad with internet, it will interfere with other equipment you may be running. For the sake of this experiment, the only equipment you need is a pen and paper as you are here to observe and record data in this instance. Once the information is preloaded, there are a couple of different things you can do.
Ask a question and press the random word button. Write down your questions and answers. Put a tick or a star next to the words which are relevant at the end of your session. At the end of your session, calculate the % of words that came out with a relevant response. Remember not to get caught up, it is just a word generator you are using (not an ovilus). It could be a great exercise to show you how easy it is to get caught up in things.
Put the Ovilus in Q & A mode. This basically allows you to force the Ovilus to answer your question instead of just waiting for a word to pop up in dictionary mode. Write down your questions. Write down your answer from the Ovilus and also the answer you received from the random word generator. At the end of the session, calculate the % of words from the Ovilus that were relevant to your questions. Then calculate the % of words from the generator that were relevant. Compare your results. Was the relevance of words between the random word generator and ovilus similar or was one much higher than the other.
You can also use the Ovilus in dictionary mode. Every time a word appears on the Ovilus, press generator on your word generator. Record the words and the question you asked before the response. As above, at the end of your session work out the % and compare the results.
Apart from being something a little different than just a normal session, by doing this, you are creating somewhat of a baseline for coincidences. If a word from the random word generator is relevant to your conversation, there is no doubt it is a co incidence as you are just using a program that uses an algorithm to randomly select a word. There is nothing paranormal about the word generator program, so this allows you to understand how frequently random words come up and how easily people can 'link' them to conversations. This allows you to gain a better understanding of what is happening with the words and how to interpret them when you are doing your ovilus sessions. I am skeptical of the Ovilus, BUT there have been occasions that have surprised me where I have seen several relevant come out. That is why I have studied the database to work out how likely it is for these things to be a co incidence. It is up to you and only you to interpret the results of your sessions. It is also about context. There may be a bunch of other things happening at the same time that make an experience more significant. The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to truely understand how often 'co incidences' can happen so that you can interpret your data properly. For me the jury is still out on the Ovilus. In the few times I have done this experiment, I didn't have as many 'hits' on the random word generator as I thought I would. The chance of a random word being relevant wasn't as common as I thought it would have been - especially compared to the Ovilus. Does this mean there really is something to the Ovilus? The answer is I don't know, but I am trying to understand it which is why I am out there there doing all these crazy spreadsheets!!
Remember with your experiments, it is a long term investment. It not just something you do once. To truly understand the results of this one, it is something you need to do several time. Write your findings down and compare your results! Good luck and please tell me how you go!
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