734 blog articles found.
We look at a magazine feature on Joseph S. Dunninger, a friend of Harry Houdini's who continued with his work after he passed. It is an interesting insight into just how some paranormal 'tricks' were performed.
While for many of you, the ideal Saturday night consists of a dark building, a case of equipment and hopefully some ghosts, there is also nothing better than a comfy Saturday night on the couch. If you are still after your paranormal fix, here are some classic spooky movies to send a 'tingle' up your spine.
In this series, I take a look at some historical accounts of ghostly encounters published in newspapers. In this edition, we visit a Melbourne seance where the practice of mesmerism was on display. Before we dive into the article, we first need to look at a brief history of mesmerism.
In this week's edition of Strange and Unusual, reader Kevin tells us in depth about the After Death Communications (ADC) members of the family received after his Mother's death.
With eyes on auroras, discussions soon turn to what we could see with our eyes compared to what was shown on a camera or mobile phone. It makes me wonder, just what is there that the eyes don't see?
Paranormal research goes much further than attending a paranormal investigation. If you want to delve into paranormal research but not quite sure where to start, here are my tips and resources where you can dive right in at your own pace!
On Friday the 17th of May, in an unexpected turn of events, the Vatican released new norms on alleged supernatural phenomena and how they will be evaluated and concluded by the church.
One of the terms I often see thrown around is when someone is referring to a ‘disembodied voice’. What is it, what does it mean and is it different to an EVP? Here is all you need to know and some of my thoughts on potential explanations.
EVP sessions are probably one of the most common techniques used by paranormal investigators. Let's look into the types of questions we ask and why we ask them.
Adventurers in life-or-death situations often report an unseen force guiding them to safety. Known as third man syndrome, whether spiritual or scientific, this phenomenon appears to have saved lives!
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