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734 blog articles found.

Carrier Waves

6th January 2024 Reading Time: 5 minutes EVP, General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know, Paranormal Investigation. 2631 views. 1

Many believe that spirits can talk to us through EVP recordings and spirit boxes. Let's look at carrier waves and why people work with them.

Ghosts of the Past: An amusing police case

3rd January 2024 Reading Time: 3 minutes General, Ghosts Of The Past. 1397 views. 0

Grab some popcorn because this article from ghosts of the past is a doozy! It involves a Mother in law, a sword swallowing witness, some stolen furniture and a plot with ghosts to murder the Son in Law!

Finding your voice

28th December 2023 Reading Time: 5 minutes General. 1444 views. 0

One of the biggest hurdles I see many in the paranormal field try to overcome or face is that they don't feel worthy of taking up space or feel that no one wants to listen to what they have to say. Many of us feel this way, but we can't let this fear stop us from even starting.

Predictions and hopes for the paranormal field in 2024

26th December 2023 Reading Time: 6 minutes General. 1515 views. 0

It is the end of an era! Whether you have been investigating for 30 years or this is your first year, you are probably starting to think about what to aim for next year. So in the 'spirit' of things, these are my predictions of what I think we will see in the field and my hopes for the paranormal field in 2024 on both a personal and general level.

Haunted Magazine Issue 40 Sneak Peek

30th November 2023 Reading Time: 4 minutes General. 1028 views. 0

A sneak peek at some of the features you can expect in the upcoming issue of Haunted Magazine #40

Ghosts Of The Past: Christmas Ghost Hunting

25th November 2023 Reading Time: 4 minutes General, Ghosts Of The Past. 1253 views. 0

In this series, I take a look at some historical accounts of ghostly encounters published in newspapers. In this edition, we look at what 'Christmas Ghost Hunting' was said to be like in the early 1900's. We also look at the custom of telling ghost stories at Christmas.

LLIFS: The best of 2023

19th November 2023 Reading Time: 3 minutes General. 1093 views. 0

As we wind down for the year, this week I'm going to share my favourite articles I have written this year in 2023! After 8 years of LLIFS I always worry I'll run out of things to write about but it is the opposite. So many choices, and so many questions! 

Am I dreaming?

18th November 2023 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Stuff paranormal investigators need to know. 2437 views. 0

An experience I had waking up the other night and seeing something that ultimately wasn't there inspired me to look once again at hypnopompic hallucinations.

A ghostly game of chess

11th November 2023 Reading Time: 5 minutes General, Famous Paranormal Cases. 1910 views. 0

In 1985, amateur chess player Wolfgang Eisenbeiss, arranged a match of chess between two grandmasters. The twist? One of them was deceased.

Looking at popular theories from a different perspective

3rd November 2023 Reading Time: 6 minutes General, Paranormal Theories. 2566 views. 0

Let's discuss paranormal theories and how we can look at them from a different perspective to change the way we think about the paranormal.