Encounters with an apparition Part 5

10th August 2021. Reading Time: 3 minutes General, Encounters with an apparition. 2075 page views. 0 comments.

These are real stories submitted by readers of LLIFS about their encounter with an apparition

I recently asked readers of LLIFS to complete a survey about their experience with sighting an apparition.  If you would like to learn more about the types of apparitions, read my article: Apparitions.

From this article, I collected dozens of submissions from you guys with your own experiences.  Some of these were published in the articles: 

Encounters with an Apparition 

More Encounters with an Apparition

Encounters with an Apparition Part 3

Encounters with an Apparition Part 4

The work remains ongoing and I am still collecting submissions, however, due to the high amount that has come through, I will be continuing to share some of the submissions.  The ones published below have given consent to be published, either anonymously or with their name.  These have been randomly selected.

Your story submissions about apparitions

(These are completely unedited and copied exactly as submitted to me)

I was seriously unwell (15 years old) in hospital. My parents were called into a meeting with the Dr’s to discuss prognosis (I was not expected to live). I was standing looking out the window, watching a male walk towards the hospital, he stopped and looked up directly at me, nodded his head and smiled. He was the image of my grandad who had passed a few years earlier. As I was watching, I was not scared, but excited to see him, he vanished into thin air. I like to think my grandad paid me a visit to let me know I would be ok. I had seen him once before, in the body of a visiting Dr, of which my mum was present and also saw. Identical to grandad even the same mannerisms...this was the day I was admitted to hospital. A subsequent follow up visit to the same Dr, he did not look anything like the man who had conducted the home visit. 


I was in bed reading, and felt as though someone was watching me. I looked to my right, to see a man I didn't recognise, standing there. I wasn't scared of him, I went back to reading my book. I looked at him again a few minutes later, he was in no hurry to leave.


I felt like I needed to look in a certain spot and I saw her Victorian dress clear as day 
Lesley Knowles

Paranormal research at a saloon/bar.  Closed/empty except for one owner with us.  Out back was a stage.  A lady in white pants and white shirt walked across the stage while I was looking to see how large the area was.
KD Foreman

Was walking down the final flight of dark stairs at a hospital and pulled open the door to the lighted ground floor and the apparition walked across the hall in front of me.  I was startled and walked backwards into 3 other investigators coming down the stairs.  We were the only investigators at Hill View Manor in West Virginia.  Upon inspection of the path the apparition took, we found she had walked into a pad-locked door.  When we talked with the manager of Hill View, she said others have seen her as well. She was a lady that used to work there in the records division.  

Earlene Cooper

We thought it was a person until the motion light clicked off. When this happened it seemed to intrigue the person. Only now it was giving off light. When I told my friend to"Get in the car NOW!" The thing heard me and started for us..

Dean Alan

The figure of a woman stands in the doorway of my bedroom, I frequently see her out of the corner of my eye but never full on, it has been happening for many years

Natasha McGregor-Jones  

Thank you so much to everyone who has submitted a story.  There are a lot of submissions I am holding onto for more articles so again if I didn't include yours you have not been forgotten.  Thank you for sharing your experience. 

Do you relate to any of the stories above?   If you would like to submit your experience and complete the survey, head to this link or complete the form below.  

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